Do you know people grossed out by fresh eggs?

my sister and her kids wont eat my eggs either - or the bacon that we slaved over to raise and cure... she gave them away so now i dont bother wasting my time on trying to change them. i'm pretty sure that they wont come and stay with me b/c we raise a lot of our food.

but maybe i scared her off when she laughed about her 11 year old was going to give me a lecture about my 'cruelty to animals' - so i told her that there are no sassy mouths allowed here and 'everybody plucks.'

and then they complain how expensive their grocery bill is... oh well!
People are so disconnected from their food supply it is really quite frightening. Mass marketing and media has changed the world in the last 50 years.

I have also found that this whole "Yuck" factor is really a very American thing. Overseas most eggs are brown and most food is still grown locally compared to here. People are more in touch with their foods than Americans. It a complete difference in cultures.

What worries me is God help us if one day those trucks don't roll and bring these people their store bought stuff. Then what? My SIL doesn't know the difference between a tomato plant and a weed! Alot of women I know can't bake a cake from scratch! I once had a girlfriend call me up and ask me my recipe for whipped cream!

Going back to basics is a good thing!
Alot of women I know can't bake a cake from scratch!

a lot of women (esp 40 and under) dont even know how to COOK! let alone bake - and they act like its beneath them to learn..and then smirk and say that they make their boyfriends/husbands do it. shameful. you're dead right - what if they actually have to make something themselves!?!?

i keep snickering quietly to myself at the people that are interviewed on the news who's lives have been dramatically changed by a lay off and now they can't - gasp! (dramatic music here) go out to dinner every nite!?!? dundundunnnnnnn

shocking. you mean you might have to make your own food? and then eat it with your family? whats the world coming to.. hee hee hee​
Well all we can say is ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power. We hold the power and the health. I hate buying store bought but I have too for now. My chicks are not old enough and I keep forgetting to get to the farmers market. The only good thing I am saving my cartons for when I need to sell eggs.

I think printing out those brochures about the differance and handing them out with articals about how batttery hens are raised might change some minds. Then again if you go to a party make a egg dish and do not tell, till everyone is raving on how good it I and asks for the reciepe. Even better give reciepe but do not mention homegrown ingredients then when they make it they say why does it not taste like you made then tell them why. Proof is in the pudding.
Dunno if it was intentional or not but for me this Forestesque phrase with a tinge of country easyspeak sums it up..!

And you quoted her so she can't edit for spelling....wait...yes I think she can. What struck me was the concept of "willing ignorance." There are so many situations that can only be explained as willing ignorance.
I had a coworker one time that would bring me cartons from her buying store bought eggs but wouldn't eat my eggs because "they came from chicken butts".
Dunno if it was intentional or not but for me this Forestesque phrase with a tinge of country easyspeak sums it up..!

And you quoted her so she can't edit for spelling....wait...yes I think she can. What struck me was the concept of "willing ignorance." There are so many situations that can only be explained as willing ignorance.

I'm not quite sure what that means. The misspelling was intentional, or didn't you catch that?
Dunno if it was intentional or not but for me this Forestesque phrase with a tinge of country easyspeak sums it up..!

And you quoted her so she can't edit for spelling....wait...yes I think she can. What struck me was the concept of "willing ignorance." There are so many situations that can only be explained as willing ignorance.

Yup, I also thought she said it all, and very well, too.

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