Do you use nest mats/pads?

I have been buying excelsior nesting pads off amazon and they cost me about 2 bucks a piece, or 20 bucks for a box of 10. Now I found this and on that same website I also saw a bale of 100 for 45 dollars
Now granted 100 nesting pads is a lot to store, but in the long run, when you look at it, it is 200 bucks vs. 45 bucks. If Ya buy a bale of 40 you still save 20 bucks.
I just installed a couple roll out nests but am having trouble getting the hens to use them. I've only found one egg in them. I have carpet runners in mine but not the foam padding. I just don't think they go in them and they lay in the corner where they have always laid. I even blocked that space off and they started laying in another corner. The nests are fairly dark so I've considered adding a light across from the entrances. I just put fake eggs in them. Since they are roll outs, I had to glue string to the wooden eggs to keep them in the hen portion of the nest. Any suggestions?
I'm thinking of moving all the hens from that building to another with floor level nests and swapping the hens from that building to the one with the roll outs.
A bit off topic, but I've found having natural daylight in the nest sites made a noticeable difference to hen site preference.
I just don't think they go in them and they lay in the corner where they have always laid.
So they weren't using nests anyway? Then this might not work for you, but will put it out there anyway.
Have read that using the same bedding in rollouts will get them used to them,
then you just let bedding degrade or slowly start removing it after habit well established.
That's a good idea.
I've been remiss in my procrastination building more buildings. The flock I'm referring to are in a building that was meant to be a brooder house but I never moved the group that grew up in there so when they started laying, they laid in a hidden corner. I boxed that in but then a couple birds started egg eating. I though roll out nests would fix it but it is still a problem. I will try your idea. There are plastic pads in the large space where they've always laid. I'll put a plastic nest pad in one and an excelsior pad in the other.
I'll let you know how it works. Thanks for your help.
I use nesting box pads I found at Orschlens. My birds love them. Before I was using local field straw and coiling it like in a robin nest but bigger. The nesting pads hold up really good. There is one box that has 2 golf balls instead of one that my hens like to play in and have really fluffed up the pad but the others are still like when I put them in 2 months ago.
A bit off topic, but I've found having natural daylight in the nest sites made a noticeable difference to hen site preference.
Thanks. There is a window immediately above the nests but the nests have a roof on them so the light doesn't shine in there. I'm thinking of hanging a small LED light on the wall facing the nest openings.
For 30 years I used used straw but the birds would eat it so I was forever replacing it. This spring put in astro-turf pads and they have taken to those. Seem to keep the eggs cleaner and are washable.
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Thanks. There is a window immediately above the nests but the nests have a roof on them so the light doesn't shine in there. I'm thinking of hanging a small LED light on the wall facing the nest openings.
I can't find the study atm, but a reference is made to it in the book, The Chicken A Natural History, by DR Joseph Barber. Essentially the study showed that eggs hatched where natural light was available has a higher hatch rate and fewer health problems. Artificial light, unless it provides the full spectrum, I would think won't have the same effect.
Given under 'natural' conditions a hen would lay her clutch on the ground where the nest would be open to the elements the eggs would be exposed to natural light at some point during the day.
I use a carpet runner with some foam under it so it's a bit softer when they stand up and shoot the egg out. Mine is a roll out nest box.

hi JT, did you get that mat from HD and its rubber side on bottom? can you share a link to that mat? i'm wondering how and when you clean it if chickens make a mess. how much cleaning and how easy is it to dry before you put back in? did you have to cut the mat down to size?
hi JT, did you get that mat from HD and its rubber side on bottom? can you share a link to that mat? i'm wondering how and when you clean it if chickens make a mess. how much cleaning and how easy is it to dry before you put back in? did you have to cut the mat down to size?
It's just a carpet runner from any home store and some 1/8" thick foam packing from a TV or something like that.

I usually just brush it off from time to time unless someone poops in there then I wash it and stand the board vertical to dry.


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