Do you want your pork chop to become a ribeye?

Dumbest article I ever read. Working in the meat business these cuts have always existed. It is just a continuance of how dumb people are getting. People often ask for a filet mignon all the while there is a whole tray of tenderloins staring them in the kisser. Tenderloins are filets people. Porterhouse chops have always been. As far as flat irons they are cut from the front shoulder or chuck of the cattle. The term stems from restaurants that create these crazy names. People often say I had this steak at a place in LA called this, well that is not what they call here in Mass. the thing about a "Boston Butt" if you try to roast it in the oven good luck. This cut is a cheap cut often fatty but will dry right out. It is more used to make pulled pork cooked low and slow. Delmonico steaks or roast is another steak/roast that is from a restaurant not a cut of meat but most butchers know what you are asking for. But many times people have no clue what they are looking for to begin with.
I am already confused about cuts of meats as it is. I found it hard to find a prime rib roast one day and it was setting right there disguised as a rib eye roast.

The word "prime" refers to the quality of the meat and not the cut. A rib roast can be prime, choice, select and even lowers cuts but most in stores is choice and prime and prime or higher. Also a rib roast can be bone in or boneless.
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I will admit, it would be nice if all the butchers in America used the same terms and labled the cuts the same. It just ain't gonna happen any time soon.

As the article states, they already have an "official" naming system, but it is completely voluntary to be used. Terms are too localized for any one system to work.

So now, we will spend alot of money to create a NEW OFFICIAL naming convention, just for it to be ignored again.

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