Do your ducks Straw/Hay Dip?


9 Years
Aug 28, 2010
Cedar Springs, Michigan
When you throw down straw or hay down, do your ducks get all happy and start dipping their bodies into the hay as if it was water then standing up flapping their wings? I was watching mine do that just now as I threw fresh straw down and they were chattering away, dipping down into it, standing high and mighty flapping their wings as if they were going "WEEEEEEEEE, WEEEEEEEEEEE"!
Aw, give them a pool and let them have some real fun!
Mine go through it looking for seeds. Keeps them busy for a long while. I buy cut rye grass, which has the seed heads, hay and straw in it.
that's funny!

What irritates me is when I get a pile of stuff to scoop out of the run..they think that is the best stuff to play in and look through! Bunch of pack rats!

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