does any one know how to dye chicks?

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If it doesnt hurt the chicks I personally dont see a problem with it (esp if they're still in the egg when it happens....or when they just hatch and are wet already). I'd feel bad for a dry chick getting dyed tho.

Here in PA it's illegal.
You have to inject the food coloring in an exact space in the egg, at an exact time for it to take. Some people spray the chicks as sson as they are dry to clor them, but that wears off quicker.
Sorry if this is OT, but I wonder how the technique has changed in say, the last 30 years.

I remember getting a dyed chick once when I was a small girl. The color back then was NOTHING like the color you get now. Back then the chicks had just a pale, pastel sort of tint to them. Now's chicks are practically NEON!

Just wondering.

You have adorable kids, and those outfits you made are FABULOUS! What talent!

But just for the heck of it, allow me to say that I don't really see dyeing chicks as a good idea. Even food colorants are stabilized with all kind of preservatives, and I think a little chicky
"au natural" is cute enough!

Please don't blast me!
the big hatcheries have use the same technique as when they vaccinate, i think. not 100% on that.

yep, i refuse to debate it. just cross dot your i's and cross your t's beforehand.
Now that is interesting if you say they dye like they vaccinate, because I have seen vaccination techniques while in the egg shell!
That just baffles me, If I went near a egg with a needle, it would probably pop like a balloon! I just cant imagine how its done so easily.
Now the dye after hatch is interesting too, why not!
i agree on the technique. it's amazing...all those needles coming down at once. it's hard to picture until you see it.

for the record, I DEFINITELY should not be in charge of dyeing anything that moves. i'll only do something silly, like end up dyeing the whole room or something!
Seriously....why the need to do this? That green chick is not cute in my eyes. This reminds me of the dyed anemones sold in the aquarium industry. Not only is it unnecessary (they are beautiful already!), but it might be harmful even if done correctly. Who knows? Why risk it?
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