Does any one use ivermectin in chickens ?

I also found this:
Anthelmintic efficacy of ivermectin against Syngamus trachea and Capillaria spp. in pheasant.

Lamka J1, Svobodová V, Slézková J.
Author information


Ivermectin (IVM) was perorally administered in dosage schemes 1 x 0.8 mg/kg of body weight (b.w.), 1 x 1.6 mg/kg h.w., 3 x 0.8 mg/kg b.w., and 3 x 1.6 mg/kg b.w. to pheasants infected by Syngamus trachea and Capillaria spp. The samples of faeces were coprologically examined. The clinical state of pheasant was controlled. In all of the used therapeutical schemes the helminthostatic or partially helminthocide effect against adults of worms was reached. The clinical signs of helmithoses were reduced only. IVM in tested doses is not possible to recommend as an effective drug of pheasant syngamosis and capillariosis.
So maybe it will work at muck higher doses, but that's not something I would want to try on my birds.

Just out of curiosity I'm going to dose some of mine with paste. Not gonna give more than 0.25mg per pound and I don't expect to see anything, but is I do see some roundworms after I'll let you all know. This experiment means nothing... not trying to prove or disprove anything.

 Ivermectin as a bird anthelmintic--trials with naturally infected domestic fowl.

Thank you for posting. That pretty much ends the discussion.  Karen

One would think so, but there are so many websites, books and people that claim it works. Doesn't seem to matter how many times the studies are posted, people still want to use it.

I just purchased some Safeguard. It has fenbendazole it in, which kills cecal and capillaria worms. I calculated the dosage for a chicken to be 1/5th of a teaspoon, so I took a 1/2 measuring tsp., and filled it, then divided the dose to both my chickens on a piece of bread. They ate it eagerly. I hope its not too late for the one who's got a bad case of worms, and has hardly been eating for the past week. Karen
I just purchased some Safeguard. It has fenbendazole it in, which kills cecal and capillaria worms. I calculated the dosage for a chicken to be 1/5th of a teaspoon, so I took a 1/2 measuring tsp., and filled it, then divided the dose to both my chickens on a piece of bread. They ate it eagerly. I hope its not too late for the one who's got a bad case of worms, and has hardly been eating for the past week. Karen

Now repeat that for five days to treat capillary worms.

Should both safe guard and valbazen be used or is it a one or the other thing?

Welcome to BYC. You can have both wormers like I do. But dont give both at the same time. I recommend valbazen as a first time wormer, it slowly kills worms over several days preventing toxic dead worm overload.
Welcome to BYC. You can have both wormers like I do. But dont give both at the same time. I recommend valbazen as a first time wormer, it slowly kills worms over several days preventing toxic dead worm overload.

I recommend withholding feed for 24 hours, jumping in a tub of castor oil, then dumping a bag of food grade DE mixed with dried, ground cayenne pepper on yourself. After that is accomplished, go sit in middle off the chicken yard, and call the birds over to you. It works every time.

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