Does Anybody here Know Sign Language?


8 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Chicken Heaven
Does Anybody here Know Sign Language? Or Is Deaf?

I just wanna Know because i know ASL, And would like to talk to A Hearing or Non Hearing ASL Speaker.

... Yankee ....
I'm not deaf but I use ASL with my deaf dog. I'm still learning different signs too but it is very interesting and the little I do know has come in handy. I shop at a grocery store that has a bagger that is deaf and he loves it when I try to communicate with him using sign.
my son used to go to school with a child that had a cochlear (sp?) implant and a another friend of his is verbally challengend( poss. autistic) he learned a few signs to help them in school.
I Can use a Lot of ' Small Talk ', In a Way my ASL Speaking Buddies Understand it.... and the one Deaf Person i met, Mark. He's my Friends Uncle.

About the job, I am too young. I Can't tell you How old, But i am Below the age of 18. so, I Can't get a REAL Job, But maybe i Can get paid to teach it to Some kids in my Neighborhood...
And A guy my Family knows ( Kind Of ) works at my Grocery Store, too! But he has A cochlear implant, He can Kind of Hear, But not too much.

And as you Said, jbowyer01 , he loves it when I try to communicate with him using sign.
I Can use a Lot of ' Small Talk ', In a Way my ASL Speaking Buddies Understand it.... and the one Deaf Person i met, Mark. He's my Friends Uncle.

About the job, I am too young. I Can't tell you How old, But i am Below the age of 18. so, I Can't get a REAL Job, But maybe i Can get paid to teach it to Some kids in my Neighborhood...

You can always volunteer to teach ASL. Will look great on your Resume when you are old enough to get a REAL job or go to college!
We actually have a school down here that teaches ASL as a class toward college credits. If you go threw it all 4 years in high school and pass the final exam you are certified in ASL. My ex's sister took it all 4 years and she was great at it! Continued into college. Also a middle and high school chorus at the schools i atended had a deaf man come in and part of their routine with singing was signing the words. I always that was pretty cool.

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