Does anybody out there haveRunner Ducks for egg laying, any good?

I have 3 females and a drake. The girls started laying in late fall and are laying 2 eggs and for a while a 3rd egg. The eggs are jumbo size. I had never had a duck egg so I started using them in baking and mixing with the chicken eggs for scrambled, but lately I have been doing the duck eggs for soft boiled eggs and I notice very little difference to chicken eggs. The white has a bit different consistency than that of a chicken egg. Runners are also so entertaining, don't fly off (but it also poses a situation for predators - they are vulnerable) and tend to be land lubbers vs. water lovers. (at least mine are).
That would be perfect because I really don't want to buy egg cartons just to accomodate but it looks like I might have to anyways because my Hubbard Golden Comet's are laying huge brown eggs and my cartons just barely won't close. Thanks for the info.

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