Does anyone eat their peafowl?

You could just give them to me...

That would save you the trouble of cooking them. I assume you could cook them like you would a turkey.
But, as I mentioned, you could always just give them to me. My pair would love the company!
I am in California, Paganbird. I'd gladly GIVE them to you if you were closer. You'd have to catch 'em though. I can't raise any flowers because of the darn things.
Well, I doubt my husband would let me drive to Ca to catch peafowl! Thanks for the offer, though.
If you don't eat them all, you could always send me some eggs in the spring.

You'll have to let us know how the roasted Thanksgiving Peafowl turns out.
In the movie "Six Days, Seven Nights" they eat one. But there isn't anytning else to eat. But, they loved it. I hope ours don't eat all our flowers....we have a lot of land, maybe they'll be ok....
The only way to catch my peafowl is with a .22. They roost in the trees, they fly, and they are very very fast. They eat ALL my flowers except the ones I have in cages or hanging baskets. I am getting very tired of it. Used to have a man that would come down and trap them. His phone is now disconnected. I just want them GONE!!

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