Does anyone else make up names for your chickens?

SHIKENS with an S. Hee Hee. I also call them Chookas when I'm calling them or greeting them.
I kind of talk to them in baby talk. LOL and call them my pretty cheekins or my pooper chickens or my little pooper butts -- depending on what I see!! (of course, coming from Maine, I pronouce pooper like poopah)
We are strange too I guess because the wierd names follow for our dogs also. Our oldest chihuahua Penny is "Pen Pen" or "piglet". Mojo is "Mojeeb". Zelda is "Zeldie woo woo" and Little girl who is a very ugly chihuahua is "giblet" or "Puggles". Yep, I guess the names of chickens and pets are whatever we choose to call them. Their love is unconditional.
My husband calls my flock "Children of the Corn" from the Stephen King movie..He says they are creepy the way they quietly follow anyone that walks in their yard..they walk right behind you and when you turn around they are all stop and stare at you.. also the way they just appear over the hill when I come home..
I call all my guineas "penguins", because that's what they look like when they're babies.
But when they grow up, that's another story!
Ohh yeah I do. They usually are my chicky-girls, and when we had ducks they were chicky-duck-ducks
. I am afraid our naming isn't too creative; usually it is directly related to either their color or breed, as with most of our pets. Barred Rock: Blackie, Well Summer: Wellsie, Rhode Island Red: Rhodie, Ameraucana: Puffy Cheek a.k.a Puffy, Araucana: Blondie, Ducks: Maxine and Maxwell Duckworth
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