Does anyone else read threads just because they were locked?

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Ironic thing, not long ago we had a thread about reading lock threads and guess what? It got locked!
its like watching a train wreck I just cant look away! Honestly they are always the first ones I go for when I get on here
Well, (said indignantly) you all need to find something better to do with your time.

Like reading "banned" members posts, to find out why they bit the dust.

Imp- reads way too many old threads.

Hey! they are just as interesting and relevant as new ones, just don't post on them.
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LOL..........they are always the first ones I look for!! I find I'm disappointed if they were locked because they were a duplicate or put in the wrong "area." Most of the time, locked threads are ones I wouldn't even have bothered to venture in to, but once they've been must be good!!!! I'm off to go see if I can find out how to look at who was banned and read their posts!!! LOL
I never really read them but I posted one for help and some one was really rude and out of line with the ignorant comment and it got locked. It was just like a kick you while you are down statment and I am glad they watched for it. I was proud of myself for not posting anything more then you are mean, or something along those lines. I do have to say I was suprized at how quick they locked the thread.
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