Does anyone have a favorite brand or type of knife they use for culling?

I just culled my first roo and didn't have the guts to render it unconscious. It was my preferred method, but was instructed otherwise by an experienced friend who supervised (cone and bleed.) I saw many posts about people who weren't successful at knocking the bird out, and that freaked me out.

I should have tried. The whole experience was traumatic. We processed my little boy (pet, named, loved) last night. I feel pretty scarred.

I'm sure I would feel better about the decision had he been an aggressive bird. He was sweet and awesome. Just too noisy. And no takers on rehoming.

My girls called for him all day today. This SUCKS!!
Sorry to hear you are scarred by the event. It's not something that's easy if you didn't grow up around it. As I said it really is not very hard to knock the bird unconscious. Do you plan on culling any others in the future?

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