Does anyone have a NICE adult rooster?

Theses are my roosters...

My Polish rooster is mean. He attacks me..


This is Eddie the RIR...He is huge, but VERY sweet and protective.


I also have a game rooster...I don't have a pic of him though. He is very skiddish and stays out of the way...same with a RIR/game cross..very skiddish

Here is my Australorp rooster..he just does his own thing...doesn't really bother anyone.


I have only had one rooster that has been mean, and thats the one in the first pic... Good luck to you and your roosters!
Hmm adult roos:

Blue Roo - Head Roo (fainting roo)
La Roo - Head Bantam Roo (pain in the neck)
McSneaky - Biggest Little Roo's son
Cobalt - Nugget's son (huge)
Cheapers - Thinks he's a duck
Woo J - Bantam Turken roo
Turk - Second in command Bantam Roo
Tanker - Nugget's son (huge)
Silkie - Head Silkie Roo
Little Foot - Barred Cochin Bantam Roo
Luau - White Cochin Bantam Roo
Fuzz Bucket - Head Frizzle roo

All of these roos live together peacefully, no fences or cages separating them. They are all hand raised, eat out of my hand, follow me around, and if I sit down, they will snuggle with me. How you raise the roo, is how the roo turns out.
This is Eddie the RIR...He is huge, but VERY sweet and protective

How HUGE is huge? friends RIR roo doesn't seem extremely large...his hens actually look quite small to me...I hope mine get bigger..they are all 3 1/2 months old.When do they stop growing?


That's a lot of Roos!! How many hens???​
I have a Buff Orpington rooster who wasn't quite as clear. He's a secondary rooster and gets pushed around by the big guy quite a bit. He's very sweet, but a wuss. Anyway, i was outside - doing something - when i felt him on my leg. I didn't really even think about it at first. He hadn't hurt me at all. It felt like he was giving me a hug. But then the second time he did it, my brain kicked in, and i realized he was trying to flog me but didn't know how.

When i realized what he was doing, i snatched him up and gave him the "i am the big chicken" treatment, but a couple of days later, he did the same thing to my nephew. Still didn't hurt anyone, just scared the little guy.

If he actual hurt someone, i would send him to the soup bowl, but since he hasn't hurt anyone, i just lock him up when i'm having small company.
Make sure that you keep his spurs trimmed up or the next time he "hugs"
(i love that!) your leg he could do some damage.

If he is just starting to flog you, I would establish that I am the boss asap. Since you said that he his lower on the pecking order, he may just be testing the waters. I would make sure that I remained top of that pecking for sure.
His spurs are still pretty soft and round. He's soon to be isolated in a breeding pen, and i will have to worry about him less i think. Since that day, he runs away from me whenever i come near, which is better than his being cuddly, so he doesn't think i'm someone to be punked out. And if i think he's getting too comfortable, i raise up my arms (look like a complete idiot) and head right for him. It works. He remembers that i'm not to be trifled with and goes on about his business.

Like you said, i think he was just testing the waters.
We have a lovely light Brahma rooster that is a joy to have. He is very good with the girls...doesn't overbreed anyone...but of course it's only him with 18 girls. He doesn't even look sideways at us.

We did raise him from the time he was about 6 weeks old so he is very accustomed to us being around all the time. I told everybody when we discovered he was a cockerel instead of a hen that the first flogging would find him in the soup pot. He must understand English!!
I raised some Welsumer Roos that turned out to be very gentle. The ones I re-homed are pets and the people think it is cool they roos run over and sit on their shoe. They also will let you pick them up if your strong enough.
All my roos are gentle. I have one Iowa Blue young Roo that will need to be re-homed as he is over sexed

A friend of mine always seems to get mean roos. A Turken she raised was just plain evil.
I could get "attacked" the next time I go out to the chicken yard but so far none of our roosters have ever
really been aggressive towards any of us. The roosters are all about like the chickens jumping up in our
laps whe we go sit out at the chicken yard to watch the chicks. I know some have said not to handle the
roosters a lot but we handle ours all the time and myself I think how they are raised and handled controls
a lot as to where they are aggressive or not.
This is a picture of one of my young RIR (about 6 months old now.) I am not much of a photographer so the
picture is not the best. He is deeper mahogany color than in the photo.


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