Does anyone have aggressive red star hens?

Thank you for the information. So do you have a recommendation for a breed? I would like brown egg layers to replace the red stars if I get rid of them. But I definitely need something to get along with my white leghorns ... Any ideas?
I finally had to cull one of my rhode islands because she would come after me every time I was around. It was a sudden change in her and I put up with it for a while but when she drew blood I had enough. She was very aggressive toward the other birds in the flock too
I live in Michigan, so favor breeds that can handle cold weather. Australorps, Speckled Sussex (the friendliest!), White Chanteclers, Wyandottes (so many colors), and Plymouth Rocks. For darker eggs, Black Copper or non-hatchery Marans. For blue and green, Easter Eggers. Mary
Here's what one of my white leghorns looks like after 18 hours with only one red star. Her comb is torn and this is after I cleaned it up. It just breaks my heart for my baby to get hurt.
I have 3 black sex links and I wanted to get rid of them since they were chicks! The are louder and much more prone to fighting than the others. As chicks (raised them from day old), they were skittish and still to this day when I try to pick them up they act like they are being murdered. However, they have been part of the flock since day one and because of that I haven't had any problems.

I have one leghorn and she gets along well with my buff orpingtons and my splash marans. I would recommend either one of those breeds. The marans haven't started laying yet, but they are suppose to have chocolate brown eggs. I introduced them at about 10 weeks to my BO, BSL flock and while they are not dominant, they are confident and kind of make their own way. BO might be too docile for a flock of leghorns.
Thank you. I only have two white leghorns both are about 20 weeks old. The red stars are 15 months old. And the leghorns are playful sweethearts especially compared to the red stars. The red stars are great layers. Great big extra large brown eggs and daily layers. I just can't take the aggressiveness. I tho l I'll have better luck introducing new hens with the leghorns. Btw the leghorns haven't started laying yet but their sister has she lives at a friends house.
Thank you. I only have two white leghorns both are about 20 weeks old. The red stars are 15 months old. And the leghorns are playful sweethearts especially compared to the red stars. The red stars are great layers. Great big extra large brown eggs and daily layers. I just can't take the aggressiveness. I tho l I'll have better luck introducing new hens with the leghorns. Btw the leghorns haven't started laying yet but their sister has she lives at a friends house.

My LH is 19-20 weeks and she isn't laying either.
The sister of my two leghorns started laying a week ago. I'm anxiously awaiting the first white egg. Good luck and I hope yours start laying soon.

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