Does ANYONE Have Chicks Right Now?


8 Years
Aug 25, 2011
Milwaukie, Oregon
I'm looking on Craigslist, at breeders, and hatcheries. Nobody has available chicks right now. I know that hatcheries are sold out and breeders slow down, but I really REALLY don't want to wait til January for chicks
Does anyone on here know of a hatchery or breeder that have chicks right now, or does anyone have chicks that they can ship? I would get eggs, but I have never incubated before and I would be worried of getting nice eggs getting attached and then loosing them :-/ Anyone got advice?
Depending on what you are looking for there may be some BYC'ers in the Auction section that have some chicks available. For hatcheries, try Ideal Poultry. They may slow down a little in the winter but normally have chicks available year round.
Right now through winter is a pretty bad time to look for chicks honestly, but I'm sure someone out there has some.

You can actually check your state in the "Where am I? Where are you?" section and ask there. I'm sure someone's got some but doesn't add them to Craigslist.
I don't know what breeds you want, but Meyer Hatchery has Leghorns and Dominques available next week - and maybe others - it just depends on what breeds you want. Their "Assorted Polish" is available next week, too. The "All pullet rainbow pack" is available Oct. 24th. Check all their assortments - several are available either next week or the next.
I also received an order from Ideal Poultry last week.

They don't require that one buys a minimum of 15 to 25 chicks (I ordered 9 Millie Fleurs) like many, although they do add extra chicks for warmth and comfort. One needs to order at least $25 worth which is good if you only want a smaller order.

I also like Ideal because (Bantams excluded) you can specify sex desired or order straight run.

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