Does anyone have this book?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 1, 2008
North Carolina
Hi, I'm new around here. I'm doing a lot of research before I get chickens (about two year's worth
), and I was wondering if anyone has Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds, and if they thought it was worth getting? I like it because it seems to have a lot of color photos of all these birds, but I'm wondering if the information is useful and/or accurate. Thanks for reading.
I don't have that one but I did buy Story's guide to raising Turkeys. It was very informative and had answers to many questions. I think the best information regarding breeds can be found at Feathersite on the web and Henderson's breed guide. If you can buy the book used at a reasonable price it may be worth it but if you want information about a particular breed you can google it. It is nice to have a guide on hand. I choose " The Complete Encyclopedia of Chickens" by Esther Verhoef. It goes into detail about many breeds and have lots of general information regarding breeding, health and housing.
I checked it out from the library. It was good for comparing breeds, but I found the Chicken Health Handbook better for chicken questions, once I'd picked the breeds I wanted...
I don't have that one but I have storeys guide to raising chickens
it's really good
also I have the kids guide to raising chickens and it's really helpful
I have it and i love mine too. I think its the best book i have ever seen for reference when looking into the breeds. There is alot of great info. I love having it on hand.
I have the book. I couldn't put it down for weeks!! It was a really good book, with tons of color photos and information. It was expensive but completly worth the price.

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