Does anyone know anything about Marans?


10 Years
Apr 2, 2009
Hi there.

I have recently fallen in love with the dark rich color of the Maran's egg. I would like to get some but don't know very much about them. I live in southeast Michigan. Are they hearty, do they tolerate cold, are there eggs large? Etc.

Any help would be great!
the marans were developed in france in the town of marans during the mid 1800's. it is a dual purpose breed and is known for it's large eggs that are a dark brown. they are a fast growing bird and a very rare breed here in the United States. they are less hardy than alot of breeds and a non setter but can be broody and they are very active(well some strains aren't hardy but some are). they have a single comb.
Mine are fairly cold hardy....The roos once in a while get a bit of frostbite on their combs. Mine lay large eggs from the pullet size eggs from the girls. Mine are pretty calm...not quite as laid back as my orps and wyandottes, but they are far from flighty. If you are considering getting some be sure and get them from a reputable breeder otherwise you are likely to be disappointed in their egg color.

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