Does barred hen always produce sex link chick


May 22, 2019
I have a moody broody (black copper marans) and would LOVE to hatch some of my own eggs. That is why I got roosters. Well, I ended up with 6 roosters. 4 silkies, a blue ameraucana and an accidental partridge Cochin. I can not afford more roosters. If I took my barred rock eggs would they be sex linked chick? I could then thin out the males. Most likely fathered by the partridge Cochin, possible the blue ameraucana. They live in the coop the Cochin lives in, so they hang with him most of the day (free range) but my ameraucana does get could be his as well. Or should I just go by a few sexed pullets? Seems to defeat the purpose of getting roosters.
I have a moody broody (black copper marans) and would LOVE to hatch some of my own eggs. That is why I got roosters. Well, I ended up with 6 roosters. 4 silkies, a blue ameraucana and an accidental partridge Cochin. I can not afford more roosters. If I took my barred rock eggs would they be sex linked chick? I could then thin out the males. Most likely fathered by the partridge Cochin, possible the blue ameraucana. They live in the coop the Cochin lives in, so they hang with him most of the day (free range) but my ameraucana does get could be his as well. Or should I just go by a few sexed pullets? Seems to defeat the purpose of getting roosters.
I don’t think so... you would need a New Hampshire Red or a Rhode Island Red rooster to make black sex linked chicks.
Yes since neither rooster is barred or white the chicks from the Barred rock will be sex-links. White head spot for cockerels, solid for pullets
Thank you. I thought that’s how it worked. The most likely father is my partridge Cochin. I wasn’t sure since he isn’t a solid color it still works.

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