Does my duck have the duck plague?


Aug 29, 2022
Lately, her chest feathers have been messy. Her poop has always been greenish or yellowish, but I’m assuming it’s because of what she eats. It’s been that way for a long time, and she’s very healthy, so I don’t think it’s a problem. She eats very well most of the time, she talks a lot, and she wags her tail often too. However, she isn’t very energetic, and she’s been seeming sleepy lately. I’m not sure if she’s just tired or if she just isn’t an energetic kid. Since her symptoms fit the duck plague, I’m quite worried about her especially since there’s no cure.

We’re bringing her to a doctor soon, hopefully it isn’t what I’m worried about. Please help.
Lately, her chest feathers have been messy. Her poop has always been greenish or yellowish, but I’m assuming it’s because of what she eats. It’s been that way for a long time, and she’s very healthy, so I don’t think it’s a problem. She eats very well most of the time, she talks a lot, and she wags her tail often too. However, she isn’t very energetic, and she’s been seeming sleepy lately. I’m not sure if she’s just tired or if she just isn’t an energetic kid. Since her symptoms fit the duck plague, I’m quite worried about her especially since there’s no cure.

We’re bringing her to a doctor soon, hopefully it isn’t what I’m worried about. Please help.
Im assuming your talking about avian influenza?
What exactly do you feed her? If you aren’t feeding a duck feed than that may be part of the issue. I would switch her as soon as you can.
Also, is she an only duck?

For reassurance, this doesn’t sound like Avian flu. Ducks don’t typically show symptoms. Plus the symptoms don’t match up.

Im assuming your talking about avian influenza?
What exactly do you feed her? If you aren’t feeding a duck feed than that may be part of the issue. I would switch her as soon as you can.
Also, is she an only duck?

For reassurance, this doesn’t sound like Avian flu. Ducks don’t typically show symptoms. Plus the symptoms don’t match up.
It doesn’t seem so. The symptoms don’t fit. She seems quite healthy aside from her feathers being somewhat messy.

We feed her corn. I had two ducks, but sadly, one of them died shortly after eating the duck feed. After that, we switched, and gave her corn, and some other snacks, such as rice, and lettuce.

We purchased duck feeds a few days ago since we also know she needs a better diet. We’re going to bring her to a doctor soon as well. Thank you for your help.
What's duck plague? What does she eat? How old? What breed? I think all the duck people have gone to bed but I hope you can get help soon.
I don’t quite know either, but I heard it’s very serious, and some ducks die from it. Ruffled feathers is a symptom, and green poop is too, however I don’t know. I don’t think she has it, but she might.

She eats corn, and she’s a decent few months old. Thank you for your kind words.
It doesn’t seem so. The symptoms don’t fit. She seems quite healthy aside from her feathers being somewhat messy.

We feed her corn. I had two ducks, but sadly, one of them died shortly after eating the duck feed. After that, we switched, and gave her corn, and some other snacks, such as rice, and lettuce.

We purchased duck feeds a few days ago since we also know she needs a better diet. We’re going to bring her to a doctor soon as well. Thank you for your help.
Your welcome. Personally, I think it's far more likely your girl is suffering from a nutritional deficiency than a viral disease. I'm glad you're planning on getting her on a balanced feed, and I'm glad we can likely rule a disease out since a deficiency is much easier to treat. :)
My advice to you, get her on a balanced duck feed ASAP, along with niacin. You can supplement niacin with nutritional yeast. Add 1tbsp of nutritional yeast per cup of feed. I would also add Poultry Cell to her water. It's a vitamin supplement that should help get her back on track.
With the new diet, you may not even need to take her to the vet. If it makes you feel better, and you're willing to do it, by all means definitely take her in. But, I don't think its 100% necessary.

I'm sorry about your other duck, that is very unfortunate. Maybe the feed was old, or molded in the feeder. Sometimes ducks fling their feed everywhere when they eat, maybe she ate some feed that fell on the ground and molded. Mold is a killer for poultry. It's always wise to check the mill dates on feed bags before feeding, sometimes bags will sit around the feed store for a while and can be old.
Since she's also an only duck, I am going to recommend you get her a buddy or two. Ducks are very social creatures and they dont do well alone. I think you should get her two female buddies. That will also help her stress level and greatly help her recover from her condition.
I hope your able to get your lady back on track. Sorry about the loss of her buddy.

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