Does no roo = more broodiness??

Ruth Ann

9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
South Carolina
Does not having a roo mean the hens will be broody more often?
A fellew chicken owner told me that when you have no roos the hens
will go broody 4-6 times a year. Is this true?

We just broke one from her broody mood, and all is well again.
Just wondered how often it will happen.
We have one coop with two groups...I group is 1 1/2 years old...the others are 19 weeks.
They all live together.
It is a mixed flock...
Buff orp, SLW, amber links, RIR, BRocks and EE

Anyway...just wondering if it is so.
Not that I'm aware of
It's somewhat a hormonal thing, and I can't see a rooster affecting that.
We got rid of our last roo in November 2010. Four of our 10 hens went broody this year. Don't think it had anything to do with having a roo or not. We broke 3 of them. Let one hatch ducks for us. Now no one is interested in being broody. Whew!

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