Does Rooster breed have to match?

Well, 11 months is probably mature enough to show his true behavioral colors so to speak....go visit and see what he's like.
Definitely go see him. My rooster isn't friendly, but he doesn't attack. He is a hatchery buff orpington.
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Here he is. So far so good. When I visited, he was very protective of his current girls and alert. Showed no signs of comming at me. So I picked him up. He doesn't look big, but he is huge and very vocal.
He does look huge....he let you physically pick him up in your arms?...or you picked him as in brought him home?

Here he is. So far so good. When I visited, he was very protective of his current girls and alert. Showed no signs of comming at me. So I picked him up. He doesn't look big, but he is huge and very vocal.
He sounds like a nice rooster, though you might want to observe a bit more before you buy him. :) Have you brought him home?
Yeah. He let me pet him and pick him up as I put him in the cage to bring him home. I figure for $10 and what I had seen of him, it was either a good buy, or an expensive fried chicken. LOL. But after just a few hours the ladies have taken to him very well.

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