Does "rust" on a black Araucana persist?


Jul 21, 2016
Malvern, PA
My Coop
My Coop

2 weeks ago I hatched 4 black Araucanas. Parents are a mixed bag of all types of possible Araucana colours and also lavender. As luck would have it, the 4 eggs that hatched came out black.

One of the chicks has an interesting red face and the tips of its wings are growing in a brown or rust colour. Does this colour persist? What can I expect the fully grown Araucana to look like?

Thanks for any pointers, I'm interested to k ow how this chick will mature


With siblings

That chick does not look Aracauna, if for no other reason than the fact that it has a tail, which Aracaunas do not (in the US).


That chick look does look familiar, colorwise, but I can't place it. Hopefully someone else will chime in. Regarding the tail, though, does the person you got them from keep any other breeds? That might be a clue.
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Here's the description of the eggs. Araucanas with no guarantee that all would be rumpless.

You will get all pure birds however araucanas may be rumpless, tailed or a few tail feathers and clean faced, single or double tufted just so you know. One of my hens Momma Becka lays on the green side but produces pullets that lay pretty blue eggs. The males are 1 lavender clean face, 2 white rumpless w/lav gene, 1 blackw/lav gene, BBR, Black & 1 GDW and so on. Females are black, silver, silver duckwing, lavender, BBR & white. Some are tailed, most are rumpless, some are tufted. Please note: Due to the lavendar genepool one of the pullets that produces the lavs sometimes produces single comb offspring even though both the parents and grandparents have pea combs. That being said you could get any of the following no guarantees: a clean face rumpless, a clean face tailed, a rumpless tufted, a tailed tufted, a partial tailed and so on.


So far the ones I hatched all look clean faced and tailed.
What has likely happened if there is in fact mixed breeding among the colors is that your "black" chicks are the result of a black cross to another color which results in mostly black chicks with leakage as black is dominant in breeding. It seems you have sourced from a breeder who is not interested in breeding for purity/quality of the breed and the results are the sort of non-conforming chicks you have received.
What has likely happened if there is in fact mixed breeding among the colors is that your "black" chicks are the result of a black cross to another color which results in mostly black chicks with leakage as black is dominant in breeding. It seems you have sourced from a breeder who is not interested in breeding for purity/quality of the breed and the results are the sort of non-conforming chicks you have received.
Thanks @Ol Grey Mare , I'm hoping that the brown colour will persist and I will end up with a black and brown chicken.
sigh. Looks like your source breeder is a rainbow breeder. No telling what this bird will look like.
sorry, but your chicks are basically barnyard mixes. You're not going to be able to predict what they'll look like, those genetics are all over the place. They're not purebred birds by any stretch and the breeder should not be selling them as such.
Hi, this is the black araucana I hatched last summer as a chick and half grown.
She is now a big black hen with a sprinkling of rusty red feathers on her chest and lays very pretty dark blue eggs. Sorry I haven't got one showing her rump.

Hi, this is the black araucana I hatched last summer as a chick and half grown. She is now a big black hen with a sprinkling of rusty red feathers on her chest and lays very pretty dark blue eggs. Sorry I haven't got one showing her rump.

One thing to keep in mind is that the breed standard here in the US differs for Araucana when compared to the standard in the UK.

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