Does this look Normal


9 Years
Mar 27, 2014
Two are hatching, but are flattened, is that normal? Are they okay. This is both Pru and mines first Hatch!
No, Not Normal. I Never bother/look under my broodies the last 3 days because most of the time they get upset and step on the eggs, chicks, etc, plus looking under them causes a lot of moisture to escape---which "can" cause hatching problems. Good Luck.
Ive only seen hatchings in an incubator, never under a hen, so it makes sense with her sitting on them it could do that. Its been getting chilly at night. Should I put my brinsea brooder out there in the little coop also? Or I can bring her and all the eggs in in a tub I have for that. Put them back out in the little coop when all are hatched.
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It looks like she somehow crushed the eggs. Can other hens get into her nest with her? The jostling may have caused the eggs to break. What day are they on? Hopefully, they will still be fine.

Also, your hen's nails look very long in this picture, which may have contributed to the issue. If they really are that long and it's not just odd picture perspective making it look like that (it looks as though they're half as long as her toes or more), then she needs a nail trim.
No, Not Normal. I Never bother/look under my broodies the last 3 days because most of the time they get upset and step on the eggs, chicks, etc, plus looking under them causes a lot of moisture to escape---which "can" cause hatching problems. Good Luck.
I wasnt looking, I went out the other girl that was with her was nervous and off the nest so I let her out. I checked in on pru to give her water and these two were at the edge of her. If its gonna get chilly again tonight should I bring her in. There were two broodies. One left the next three days ago and pru couldnt cover all the eggs, so I put another broody in there, but this afternoon she wanted out. she was upset.
It looks like she somehow crushed the eggs. Can other eggs get into her nest with her? The jostling may have caused the eggs to break. What day are they on? Hopefully, they will still be fine.

Also, your hen's nails look very long in this picture, which may have contributed to the issue. If they really are that long and it's not just odd picture perspective making it look like that (it looks as though they're half as long as her toes or more), then she needs a nail trim.

They may be fine, then. Also, in my first post I meant to ask if other hens can get into her nest, not eggs, but since you posted about the unhappy broody that wanted out, it was probably her jostling that caused the eggs to get crushed, so that answers that.

With them being so crushed, they might become dried out and unable to hatch. Just keep an eye on the situation for now. I wouldn't try moving her.
They may be fine, then. Also, in my first post I meant to ask if other hens can get into her nest, not eggs, but since you posted about the unhappy broody that wanted out, it was probably her jostling that caused the eggs to get crushed, so that answers that.

With them being so crushed, they might become dried out and unable to hatch. Just keep an eye on the situation for now. I wouldn't try moving her.
If nothing more soon, Is there nothing I can do to help them?
Rubbing coconut oil on them can help with dryness. Look in the assisted hatch thread. It can help with some of the issues you're dealing with, even if you aren't going to assist.
Rubbing coconut oil on them can help with dryness. Look in the assisted hatch thread. It can help with some of the issues you're dealing with, even if you aren't going to assist.
Im trying to read all that quick but man its alot to absorb. Just rub coconut oil on the shell or the broken part with the membrane to. I swear a heard a cheep, and I put the egg to my ear and think I hear small movements.

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