Dog Attack - Major Skin Loss


10 Years
Aug 11, 2011
Today has been kind of a bad day - our Pomeranian managed to get ahold of our Jersey Giant Stella and tore the skin from behind her comb all the way down to her shoulders clean off.

She's seen the vet, he gave her IV fluids for the shock, a pain killer injection (Butorphanol) as well as Meloxicam, and Sulfamethoxazole & Trimethoprim. The latter are a NSAID and an antibiotic oral suspension respectively as I understand it.

They stapled the skin back on but the vet thinks she's going to lose most of it eventually because there's not any blood going to it. Right now she's critical but he sent her home with more of the oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds and scheduled a recheck Friday (he's out all week and he's the only vet who does any kind of avian care at that clinic).

My questions are mostly about how to feed her. He recommended we try hand feeding formula for baby birds, which we purchased, but I know she also likes yogurt and oatmeal, are those ok? I got her to eat a tiny bit, but she's so out of it from pain and meds that she wasn't exactly eating so much as freaking out and waking up every time we started to dribble food in her beak. She's breathing kind of heavily and 'chewing', but the vet had said that was due to pain and also it's late here so she might be trying to sleep?

Also, her crop feels squishy, but not exactly full. Can trauma cause sour crop? She's only been on antibiotics for about 6 hours now.

I don't know what else to do. The breathing got me worried about her drying out her throat and I got her to drink a little from a syringe. Does she need to be kept in a warm room? We have her in a kennel in the spare bedroom and it's about 68 degrees in there, but I have a space heater we can use.

Sorry for all the questions, but the vet being unavailable all week has me worried, especially since he stressed that she could still die from secondary infection due to the open wounds.
I'm so sorry this happened to you! I know how it feels, my dog attacked my favorite hen, but sadly she died a little over an hour after I got her away from the dog. I think that the room you have her in now sounds fine. You don't want to get her overheated on top of everything else she's going through. If the room is comfortable for you, it's probably fine for her. I wish you guys luck and hope she pulls through! And about the yogurt, I think anything you could get her to eat would be good. I'm not positive though, so wait for someone else to chime in on that one.
Yeah, thanks, I hope she pulls through too. Meanwhile I'm freaking myself out reading about aspiration pneumonia. I doubt she's going to want to eat on her own though, so I don't know what to do besides trying to syringe feed her, but she only eats a little if I put it on her beak if at all but reacts violently if I try to put it in her 'mouth'. I don't want to make it worse...
I gave her her meds this morning and a little bit of yogurt & water, and then had to leave for work. I came back at lunch to check on her/"feed" her, but I could only get her to eat about 10ccs of food (I'm not exactly sure how much, as the feeder the vets gave me doesn't have measurements on it) before she lost interest. Actually, I think she fell asleep? The medicine she's on seems to have her all kinds of whacked out.

Meanwhile, her crop still feels squishy and watery - I massaged it a little and I think I heard a few gurgles. Given her condition however, I don't think making her vomit would be a great idea - should I just keep massaging it and switch from the baby bird formula to plain yogurt until it goes down?

Also, she's still doing the open beak breathing, and has been since her injury yesterday. I'm sure the vet noticed too, but when I asked he said it was probably because of pain?
She's still doing the open mouth breathing and sometimes she honks now? I have no idea what's going on. :( I tried massaging her crop but it doesn't feel any less full. She ate a little more and drank some water mixed with Pedialyte. I've got her sitting next to me in the living room, but every once in a while she 'jumps' and I'm not sure if she's trying to stand or if something else is going on.

It's time for her medicine so I'll dose her again and hopefully she'll start perking up...

edit: She seemed to have perked up but now she's sitting with her head leaned back on her back, breathing slowly. Not sure what to do...
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I'm sorry to tell you this but her laying her head on her back is never a good sign. I would try a search for that here on byc and see what you come up with. I know it's terrible and you don't want to hear it but you may want to spare her the pain and put her down. :(
I'm so sorry. Check with some other people first though and get their opinions before deciding. Let me know what happens with her. I know how it feels having to put down your pet.
She stopped doing the 'head leaning on the back' breathing thing once I moved her carrier to a more level surface (duh, me), but she seems really weak. She looks about the same this morning, I got her to take her meds (in spite of everything she still had enough fight in her to spray antibiotics all over the place) and drink a little water as well as eat a few mouthfuls of yogurt.

I called the vet this afternoon and the tech said she had a contact number for him and would try and get his opinion.

That crop tube idea sounds like it would work really well, especially since we already have a feeding syringe, but I'm honest to goodness not sure how I can stretch her neck without touching her injury. Also, she gets really ****** when I try to open her beak. It's like she comes back from the dead to ensure I can't help her get better.

I don't suppose there is anything I can use in lieu of a crop tube since I obviously don't have one? Will regular flexible tubing (cut to size) work?

Oh, also massaging her crop seems to have helped, as it felt much smaller and less distended this morning. I'm going to see if it goes down any further and maybe attempt the sub-Q fluids.

The vet just called me back actually, he's prescribing pain meds to go along with everything else in the hopes that it can make her more comfortable and make everything else easier. He said if she's still having problems Friday he can show me how to tube feed and give me what I'd need to do it.
Glad to hear that her head is back to how it should be- it had me worried. Sounds like things are going pretty smoothly. The crop tube does sound like a good idea. Sounds like she may pull through. Almost two days since she got attacked, and she sounds like she is doing fairly well considering what happened.

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