Dog attack. Twice. I am devastated.


6 Years
May 27, 2013
Hello all. I have only now gotten up the mental strength to type out the nightmare that my family has gone through in the last week.

Last Friday my kids, husband and I witnessed 2 dogs come out of nowhere and kill our beloved Paprika and injure 2 other ducks in our flock. It was so horrible I can't even describe how it all went. Long story short, my neighbor was keeping these dogs for a friend and they dug out of the fenced in area they were kept in. We were completely devastated, and my kids we're horrified at what they saw. And we were left with 1 duck having most of his butt missing, and one with a broken leg and dislocated hip, and severe puncture wounds. We took the second duck to the vet, treated the butt wound and buried our precious Paprika girl, who laid the biggest most beautiful eggs I've ever seen. I was told by my neighbor that the dogs were leaving the next day and assured it would never happen again.

Now we come to Wednesday. My remaining ducks are free ranging in the back 5 acres. Lo and behold here come those same **** dogs in my yard. I immediately called the police and they were captured....only after they killed 3 more of my babies and paralyzed two others. I was so flaming angry I was seeing red. If I had gun those dogs would have been dead on Friday. I was under the assumption they were gone. I honestly can't believe this happened. I feel so lost and sad. Now I have 2 ducks that I have to euthanize because of their injuries.

I know now that my duckies are no longer going to be able to free range. I can't trust my neighbors any more, and I can't go through this again. I will have to build a fenced area for them sadly. When I got them I had the intention of giving them as much freedom as possible, mow they will be forced to be fenced in a 10x10 area because that's all I can afford.

Any suggestions on how to euthanize without the use of neck snapping or beheading? I just can't do anything violent to these precious animals. Will a vet euthanize for me? I can't believe I have to do this.

So, my fellow duck loving friends, I just wanted to share my story. If you're a praying person please keep our family in your prayers, especially my kids. Thanks.
I am so sorry this happened to you and I know how devastating it is to witness it or the aftermath and then to have to deal with injured birds on top of it. I would be flaming angry and having difficulty writing about it too! Did the police say whether there will be legal ramifications to the neighbors because the dogs in their care were running at large? Have the neighbors reached out to you with apologies and offers of compensation?

A vet probably will euthanize. I am so sorry I can't offer a way to do it yourself that would not cause you more heartache. I do butcher my own birds and believe I do it humanely by slicing through their carotid artery with a super sharp knife. I can also understand you not wanting to do that to them on top of the injuries they have already sustained. So, a vet - and you mentioned you have one who has already treated your ducks in the past - will hopefully be willing to administer a euthanasia in the same way he/she would a dog or cat.
A vet should euthanise your ducks for you but it would most likely cost the same as a cat or dog but its worth it. My prayers are with you, your husband and your kids.
My heart goes out to you. One of our first two ducks got attacked a few months ago, and it was terrible. Worse still, we just found feathers everywhere and then later found out that at least the family whose dog it was had taken her to the vet, whereupon they put her down. Now we have our guard dog on duty every day to protect our little flock.
I am so sorry, that is just awful. I agree with the other poster what did the police say? while livestock laws vary, these people are responsible for the losses of your livestock. Here there would be financial compensation as well as charges for loose animals.

The vet should be able to assist you with putting your injured duck down, i know even here they will do that, and otherwise will not look at poultry/waterfowl. Again, so sorry for losses.
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I am so sorry! We will keep you in our prayers.
Update: our precious neighbors who have kept chickens in the past euthanized our paralyzed girl Vickie who my daughters affectionately named Dandelion.I'm forever grateful for them. We have processed one of our drakes before for eating, and it was really hard for me. I don't think I'll ever do it again. I'd rather pay someone else to do it. My stomach has been sick all day just stewing over the whole situation.

On the law side of things: the police officer gave the owner a stiff citation. And instruction that he needed to compensate us for our losses or he would be taken to court, which we are fully prepared to do. Has anyone ever been down this path before? What is fair price for an egg laying female? I was going to calculate the cost of a day-old plus 1yr of feed, which brought me to about $50. To me they were priceless, but I guess I have to come up with something. What about the time I've had to put into nursing the injured back to health? And having to have someone else euthanize. And disrupting delicate balance of the pecking order and gender ratio of the flock? I just don't know where to start, but I want to come up with something in the next day or two.

Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. This has been so difficult......

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