Dog Attack


Dec 18, 2018
South Carolina
We had a dog incident, i’m currently on vacation and getting this information second hand. He says she has a bloody leg and has a gash where her leg meets her body and he says he can see her organs or the fat protecting her organs. The organs themselves are fine, but we have no medical experience. He gave her sugar water and she’s all warm. What do we do? Medical glue?
Hard to advise without pictures. Usually it's best to leave wounds open to heal, closing can shut bacteria in. Clean/flush the wounds well with a chlorhexidine solution (hibiclens), diluted betadine, sterile saliine, or plain mild soapy water. Apply an antibiotic ointment like plain neosporin, or plain triple antibiotic ointment at least twice a day. Veterycin spray is also good for cleaning after the initial cleaning. Keep the wounds covered with the ointment so that they stay moist. If any feathers are getting in the wound then trim them back with scissors to help keep the wound clean. Keep her in a warm, clean area, a wire crate is helpful, puppy pads or clean towels changed regularly will help keep the wounds clean, rather than any kind of loose bedding. Monitor poops and crop function, to make sure she's eating, drinking and digesting. Warmth is important since she may be in shock. She may not eat for a day or two, make sure she drinks, hydration is more important than food initially. If there is poultry nutri drench on hand give some of that for the first couple of days. Many times the wounds will heal up fine as long as there is not any internal damage, even some really awful looking ones. If a bad smell develops, or puss is visible, then oral or injected antibiotics may be necessary, but often they are really not necessary if the wounds are kept clean. Bruising may show up and will often look dark or greenish.
We had a dog incident, i’m currently on vacation and getting this information second hand. He says she has a bloody leg and has a gash where her leg meets her body and he says he can see her organs or the fat protecting her organs. The organs themselves are fine, but we have no medical experience. He gave her sugar water and she’s all warm. What do we do? Medical glue?
You could see what your local feed store says to do
I just found out, apparently the blood vessels didn’t get ruptured but the leg was basically seperated from the body but still attached. You could see the kidneys and everything. They are going to kill her humanely so she doesn’t suffer, there’s nothing they could do.

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