Dog attack


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 26, 2011
My 4 month old hen, Boo, got out of her pen today and about 45 minutes ago she was attacked by 3 dogs. I thought for sure she was dead but she was still breathing. She was laying very still with her eyes closed but she was taking normal breaths. I wasn't sure what I should do so I wrapped her in a blanket and put her in the brooder where she was raised (I figured if it's the end why not put her where she when she had her sister who died a week ago from the same thing)
her tail is gone and the feathers and some skin is gone on her left side. Also I'm pretty sure her right wing is broken. But she isn't bleeding anywhere. How can I save my baby? I have had her since day one. Or is it really just to late so save? I feel like if I give up then the dogs win.
Please help, she is holding on to her life right now
The most important thing right now is to keep her warm and dry in a dim, quiet place. She is probably under an extreme amount of stress and that is often more fatal than injuries. Put some sugar water within her reach if she'll take it.

Her wounds are going to need to be cleaned. I like to use betadine/iodine (1:10 parts water) tea for the initial cleaning. Use a turkey baster if you have one to really rinse the wounds out well. Once the wounds are clean you are going to need to dress them with Neosporin. Snip off any feathers that want to hang into the wounds. You want to keep those wounds as clean as possible.

Then let her rest for the evening.
Oops...sorry...missed the part about the wing. It is going to need to be secured to her body in a neutral position. If you have some Vet Wrap on hand it is going to be needed. You can use an ace bandage, but it is not going to stay in position like Vet Wrap would. Put the wing back where it would normally be held and wrap it firmly to her body. You may need to experiment with the wrapping a bit to get it to stay in the right position. Depending on where you think the break is, you may need to wrap the wing in a figure 8 to properly secure it.
Sorry to hear about the attack. Just wanted to let you know that I had a hen who survived a dog attack (the day after I had released her back into the flock from nursing her back from a broken leg. she was attacked by my young lab who thought it would be fun to chase and bite her). One of those days when you feel you just can't win. The skin on her back was ripped completely open like a huge pocket down the side. It looked BAD. The vet told me that they can actually heal fairly well as long as there isn't any internal damage or infection going on. Back into the box she went and healed up just fine. So it can be done IF there isn't anything damaged inside. Keep her warm like in a box on your back porch or similar area. Wing wrapped with vet wrap would probably work okay. You can feed her water with a dropper if she isn't drinking on her own tomorrow. goodluck!!
In addition to all the sure to watch closely for infection, AND, tomorrow try feeding her some soft scrambled egg with some vitamins (like polyvisol without iron) in it. She's going to need some extra protein. She'll be in shock for awhile so let her rest. Hugs to you...
:'( sadly Boos injurys were too hard for her to bare. She passed away last night and now rests with her sister Sunny. I will miss you boo <3 R.I.P Boo and Sunny <3

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