Dog digs out dust bath (bowls) under coop. thank you!


10 Years
Jan 6, 2010
So, I'm working on the new coop today, faithful Lab Emily with me. I've been storing usable scraps of wood and half a bale of straw under the coop to keep it out of the weather as I build (coop is raised 2' from ground to provide shady area, etc.; underneath coop will be part of run. Emily starts getting all excited by the straw bale....I kick it and a field mouse runs crazily and gets under scraps of siding. OK Em's occupied now and I don't have to throw ball continues. About 15 minutes later I realize she has dug three huge holes around the sides of the scrap siding trying to get the mouse........take out wood from under coop ...mouse jets to the scrub bushes...Emmy follows....I later realize that I have 3 nice sized bowl shaped dugouts under the 24" crawlspace under the coop....PERFECT to dump ash/DE....sand/DE into for rain protected dust baths......I was grumbling about having to dig these out in that short crawlspace. Thank you Emily
You could hire her out...
I'd be happy if my Chihuahua didn't think that what comes out of the chicken in the back...ah, when it is standing up anyway...isn't exactly treats. Her name is Kissy because she is such a little kisser. With the issue of what she thinks is treats made especially for her by those chickens...I don't let her kiss me anymore.
Terry in TN

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