Dog food?

My birds love the dog's food, they'll run over as soon as I feed him. I usually have to chase them away
I wouldn't give them a ton of it, but I'd feed them some. Sorry about your dog
I am sorry for your loss. I have spend the last 2 weeks all over this site and from what I have seen you can throw a little out to them with their food and let them clean it up - but not mass quantities at once.
Would you like to post where you got your information from?
I know that the information on Chicken By-Product Meal is copied from ( and wouldn't trust a thing posted on there.

Sorry to hear about your dog, first of all.
I feed small sized dog food kibble as a treat, like a handful a day thown into the run. They swarm it and seem to enjoy anything and everything I toss to them. I figure it's a high protein treat that I use during the winter, during spring, summer and fall they get goodies from the yard and chicken run.
I have better links. I was just looking for some info quick to explain what I was saying. I'll find some qualified info and post it.
If you want to kick-start egg laying in chickens, you can feed them cat food. Cat food has a higher % of protein than dog food, but you did give the dog food to the dog. I'm assuming your poor dog didn't die of anything dog-food related. I'd give it to the chickens in moderation. Waste not, want not! Especially in this economy. Heck, my brothers ate dog food when they were little (yuck), but they are fine!!

Good luck with your decision, I know I'd give it if they liked it!
We had to have him put down. towards the end he wouldn't eat. I hear ya about the economy. the only reason why It crossed my mind to toss table scraps to the chickens is because of my kids. I can't stand to see all that good food go to waste. Plus it keeps the smell down in the garbage can. Like you said, waste not want not. the same with the dog food.
Nice to know about the cat food though. I wish I would have known that when my hens forgot to start laying last spring

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