Dog kennel run and rats question


May 23, 2022
Hey all,

I was told by a few that I should double the size of my run. I initially planned on free ranging then we built it but then when it came time I was terrified after seeing hawks show up.

So we got a 8x8 dog kennel and attached it to the run and through some netting over the top temporally just so I could get them more space ASAP. I still lock them in to the other run at night.

I have read on here for the predator fence suggestions of 2-3 ft up and doing that on dog kennels to protect the chickens.

My question is won’t rats just climb up the hardwire cloth on the side and enter through the 2x4 slots?

The house directly behind me has rats. And we have had a bad problem but now worse with the chickens. A few houses down also has chickens, so I don’t think I can control it but can bring numbers down. I have bait traps and snap traps out.

Don’t judge on the pic! Lol rigged it in like 2 hours but putting a permanent roof on it soon. But any other suggestions on this setup I will take to protect my babies! Thank you!


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Only 1/2" hardware cloth over every opening will keep rats (and weasels) out! Rats aren't fine out there at any time, but are most dangerous to the chickens at night while they are roosting.
Bait stations are best, try to set them near their burrow openings if possible. Have you talked to the neighbors? All of you trapping and baiting at the same time would be good.
And be careful which bait you all use, and keep pets inside during this time. Some poisons are more toxic longer than others, and some should be avoided for that reason.
Here we had rats in the coop once, used poison, and found two mice and no rats above ground, because most went to their tunnels to die.
I don't think you can get a rat colony managed with traps alone, the rats are too smart.
Oh they can fit through it just fine! Since 3 where in there last night on camera when I looked. I placed snap traps with peanut better in the the larger closed off run at like 10pm last night and got 2 out of 3 in traps.

Another question when do chicks start to roost? Mine all still snuggle all up on the floor together.

The rats cannot get into the built run, it has a predator Apron all around it. I just wish I could leave them access to the space 24-7. We leave for vacation for a week and I hate to think of them in a smaller space for a week. My neighbor free ranges 24-7 and no issues ever with rat attacks or anything.

I was confused on doing a predator fence around the dog kennel openings reading here on the forums since that’s suggestions I had seen.

Thank you guys!
I have 2 large bait stations for the past few weeks but they haven’t really eaten the bait
The rats cannot get into the built run
Really, rats go pretty much where ever they want to go, it's extremely hard to stop them without covering every square inch with hardware cloth. They can easily tunnel around an apron or chew through a wooden coop.
They are most likely turning up their noses at the bait because there is plenty of other stuff for them to eat in the neighborhood. Make sure to keep all feed cleaned up and put away where they can't get to it at night.
I'm surprised you caught 2 out of 3 of them with just peanut butter! Rats are notoriously hard to trap, in 20 years I've only ever caught one rat in a snap trap. I wonder if that's an indication of the size of your rat population.
I'm so thankful that my dogs usually get them whenever they try to move in here, because they really are a PITA to deal with.
There's oodles of rat threads here, you should do a search and read some of them as they contain a whole lot of good ideas for prevention and elimination.
I have read on here for the predator fence suggestions of 2-3 ft up and doing that on dog kennels to protect the chickens.

My question is won’t rats just climb up the hardwire cloth on the side and enter through the 2x4 slots?
Answer is simply, yes. The hardware cloth won't stop rats or other climbers, the hope is to deter them so they won't bother.

The other reason for hardware cloth up the bottom few feet is to prevent raccoons from easily reaching in at a height the chickens are standing at. Again, doesn't mean they can't get in through other methods (over the top, for example) but it at least stops them from simply ripping a chicken through the fence.
Really, rats go pretty much where ever they want to go, it's extremely hard to stop them without covering every square inch with hardware cloth. They can easily tunnel around an apron or chew through a wooden coop.
They are most likely turning up their noses at the bait because there is plenty of other stuff for them to eat in the neighborhood. Make sure to keep all feed cleaned up and put away where they can't get to it at night.
I'm surprised you caught 2 out of 3 of them with just peanut butter! Rats are notoriously hard to trap, in 20 years I've only ever caught one rat in a snap trap. I wonder if that's an indication of the size of your rat population.
I'm so thankful that my dogs usually get them whenever they try to move in here, because they really are a PITA to deal with.
There's oodles of rat threads here, you should do a search and read some of them as they contain a whole lot of good ideas for prevention and elimination.
Thank you so much! Lol I rigged up more snap traps in boxes randomly in the run and closed it off again so curious to check the cameras in a bit just to see how many will be running around. I have caught a few but over 6 months not two in one night. ☺️
Answer is simply, yes. The hardware cloth won't stop rats or other climbers, the hope is to deter them so they won't bother.

The other reason for hardware cloth up the bottom few feet is to prevent raccoons from easily reaching in at a height the chickens are standing at. Again, doesn't mean they can't get in through other methods (over the top, for example) but it at least stops them from simply ripping a chicken through the fence.
I agree with the heads poking through! And we have cats around the neighborhood. I texted my neighbor again and he doesn’t lock his in the coop at night. These are some big fat rats so I assume maybe that’s why he has never had an attack in 8 years with his chickens. Thank you!

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