Dog killed chick

@Patinas that is a good idea, I may try that once she's a little older

Don't do what worked for me if you're not comfortable with shock collars. Again, I'm not a fan and they should not ever be the first approach but I see the value in them when nothing else has worked. Sometimes, they actually save the pet! I've known farmers that have shot their dogs for attacking their livestock and maybe, just maybe, they could have kept their dog if they'd been able to train them using a shock collar as a last resort before shooting the dog? Not that you're going to shoot your dog!
Get a shock collar and when the puppy heads for the chickens hit the button and give him a shock. Soon he will associate the shock with the chickens.
:mad::smack More bad advice. Traumatic, painful, cruel. No guarantee it will even help solve the problem. These are animals not bricks, not machines. People, if you can't exercise common sense, brain cells, compassion, patience - then don't own dogs, don't own chickens. Go get a pet rock….

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