Dog throwing up only after drinking water?


7 Years
Dec 23, 2012
I have a wolf/husky mix, about 2 years old. Has a sensitive stomach - has to be on grain free food. The past couple of days he has started throwing up his stomach contents whenever he drinks water. If he eats and doesn't drink, he keeps food down just fine. Stool, appetite, and activity levels all normal. Never had this particular problem before. No changes in food or routine. Thoughts on what it might be?
He may be overfilling his stomach or eating/drinking too quickly. If he's doing fine when he doesn't drink right away, I would take his water away for about half an hour right after he eats to make sure his stomach is settled before giving it back to him. If that doesn't help/work, I would consider taking him to the vet to see if there's a different issue causing it.
My cats started to do that about a month ago. They would eat in the morning, stop at the water dish and drink a bunch of water and then throw up - quite often into the water dish. I had the water dish sitting within a foot of the food dish.
I moved the water dish upstairs so they didn't drink right after eating. They haven't thrown up since. I think the water caused the dry cat food to expand in their stomach and they would get too full and puke.

Does the vomit contain a bright yellow bile, or does it just look like the food the dog just eat?
What my cats threw up was obviously just undigested cat food.
If he hasn't eaten recently it is slightly mucousy water. If he just ate then it's undigested dog food.
my dogs have sensitive tummies. I soak their food in hot water and let it cool before feeding them so they don't throw up their food after eating. Would this help your dog get water without throwing up? It might help your dog not be so thirsty after eating.
I have seen this problem with a couple other dogs and it is usually just them drinking too much too fast. Most times I just put a little bit of water down instead of a whole bowl and it does the trick.
Did you ever get any answers as to why your dog was doing this? I have a 9 month old husky/akita mix who is doing the same thing. I took her to the vet who did xrays to make sure there was no blockage, it was clear as was her fecal test. She did test positive for Anaplamosis , and is on meds for this. She eats fine when not combined with water, and will take down any water less then 1/3 a cup . It could be she is drinking to fast but a 1/2 cup comes back up . I can't afford a thousand test on her, and I'd love to walk in with an idea of what it is since my vet is clueless! PLEASE HELP

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