Doing it wrong (so you don't have to)

I very rarely help on hatches, so most deformed chicks don't make it out.

I've had crooked tires and such before, it happens when you hatch hundreds. Those that survive go in my layer/ mixed pen. It's surprising how they adapt.

If they are really bad, I cull, although that rarely is needed.

I had a rooster who lost both feet to frostbite, I named him Stubby. He actually survived quite well. He died over the winter in the 30 inch snowstorm when I couldn't get to him and he was stuck in a snowdrift. I had given him a ground level shelter in the run, but unfortunately couldn't get in the run to rescue him.

I know this sounds cruel to many, but on my property, the strong survive. I want my animals to be able to withstand the elements (exception: my three albinos they do get a output special treatment, extra shelter, avoiding direct strong light, etc. I'm not sure what they can take)
Up to day 12! Still adding a little water every day. It hasn't run out the overflow, so I'm guessing the humidity is varying at different times.

Ambient temperature range: 66-79°F

Although the ambient temperature has varied widely, I'm not seeing the temperature on the built in thermometer changing. Maybe the built in fan is helping keep it constant because this plastic incubator has no insulation of any sort.
If anyone was wondering why my ambient temperature varies so wildly:

I live alone. The room I have the incubator in has exposure east, South, and West with 5 foot tall windows lining all sides, no solid walls above 3 feet from the floor. There is a wood stove. I have programmable thermostats that are set to 55degrees when I'm at work or sleeping. The house has zoned heat, so I only keep the part I am using warm. The temperature actually does vary huge amounts. The thermometer I'm using to record the temperature is a foot away from the incubator.
I think I'm doing it all wrong on my own.... I'm trying to hatch some fertile American game rooster with Amarcauna hens blue eggs and buff orpingtons.brown eggs this is my first time incubating and at the moment I'm trying a homemade still air incubator made out of an old icechest I will updAte as to how they turn out I have currently set 5 blue and 3 brown

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