Doing it wrong (so you don't have to)

I would like to put a fan but havn't found one to add to the creation of and I set the eggs on 2-28 I also have a small led flashlight I have been using to candle them but having trouble seeing in the blue eggs I would have figured the brown would have been harder to see into
As long as you have a good thermometer and it maintains temperature and the humidity is in the proper range, you can do fine.

Are you turning the eggs there times a St? When you turn them, it is good to not only turn, but to move them around so if there is a hot spot or cool spot they aren't always in it. This is especially true in a still air.

A small fan from an old computer works well.

It's basically steady temperature (99.5-100.5 in still air) proper humidity and turning the eggs for the first 18 days. At day 18, increase humidity and stop turning. The sitting on your hands waiting is the hardest part!

As far as candling, in a few days ( like day 10 or 12) with a small flashlight, those developing should be a mostly dark, any not developing will be translucent. It is easiest to see the difference at the air cell. Yes, dark eggs are harder to see. I've only ever done one batch of white eggs (bobwhite quail) so am used to not seeing much.

With the little light I use, I can't see the movement people talk about.

I always refer people to Hatching 101 Sally Sunshine had put together an amazing set of articles about Hatching. She and I don't always do things the same way, but we have a lot of respect for each other. I'm very minimalist in my care, BTW. Even my normal Hatching methods leave a lot to be desired. I've had Brodie's hatch. It's amazing what eggs put up with in nature.

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