Domonique or Barred Rock roosters?

Well my barred rock rooster, Hercules, is such a sweetheart. However, he thinks my 5 yr old daughter is another rooster and tries to get her everytime she is around. It is so strange, because it is only her, that he doesn't like. He is a great and fearless leader over his hens.
I've only ever encountered Dominique roos. My aunt has 2. You can pick them both up. It's insane. I've never seen anything like it.

Her RIR roos on the other hand...
I have a dominique rooster and he is very protective of the hens. He really doesnt like to be messed with either. He is kinda mean. Ive never had a barred rock.
I've had both Dominique and Barred Rock roosters. This one Dominique roo flew at me and nearly got my eye out when I was 6 or so. It wasn't until 2008 I found out that my brother threw that dumb roo at me just to tease me. Oh was I mad at him.

My Barred Rock roo was fine and dandy with me and the hens but he was young and snapped 2 of my hens necks when he tried to mate them. I sold him for $10 just 2 weeks before the Raccoon Masacre.

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