Don't buy the flying saucer!


11 Years
Jan 18, 2009
I got one of those little table-top incubators for a classroom. I have tried four times now to get a hatch and nothing...
They develop fine rite up until the last couple of days and then just die. I don't know what I'm doing wrong... So bummed. Has anyone ever got these to work?
I actually have hatched 2 different batches. 3 eggs each time. It is very difficult to keep the humidity up and the temp is always warmer on one side of the "saucer" As I would turn the eggs, I would rotate them too so the egg nearest to the light would be on the other side by the end of the day. Towards the end (day 18 or 19) I noticed the temp go up a bit and the light needed to be pushed down a bit. As far as hatching... you will need to tape the dome down, they kept knocking it off with all the rocking to get out. If you can hatch in there, I think you can hatch anywhere. I upgraded to a hova bator because I wanted to hatch more than 3 eggs. Good Luck if you decide to try again..
I have one of those too. I put my eggs in @ 5:30 pm on March 1, its now, what the 28??? I'm going to have to candle them again. A couple days ago I saw lots of movement, don't know whats up. Like you, I'm not to happy about this at all.
b.hromada :

I have one of those too. I put my eggs in @ 5:30 pm on March 1, its now, what the 28??? I'm going to have to candle them again. A couple days ago I saw lots of movement, don't know whats up. Like you, I'm not to happy about this at all.

HUH? What are you hatching? Chicken eggs only take 21 days.....
let me tell you, I used the homemade incubator with the boxes. I tell you out of 11 eggs 6 hatch and 1 for some reason was full develope but died before hatching. I think that was pretty good for a homemade incubator spending less then $20 on the items needed:weee
I don't know what age you are teaching but the homemade bator is easy to make, my 9 yr old helped me with ours and so far so good (Knock-on-wood) The kids are having a blas watching the eggs develope in the incubator they built.

HUH? What are you hatching? Chicken eggs only take 21 days.....

Tell me, thats exactly what I mean. What could have gone wrong, I did it all by the book, so to speak. I don't know if I even want to try this again, am very disappointed.

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