Double Teaming

Ms Clucky

5 Years
Jan 22, 2019
Salem, Illinois
A couple of days ago, I let my chickens out to play and eat bugs and grass an hour before they go to bed. Their ages range from 3 years to 5 months old. They were having a great time until a squirrel chattered and ran up one of our oak trees. Suddenly, one of my roosters, R.C. {Rooster Cogburn}, made a noise and all the chickens ran around the house and under our deck then ran into the chicken house. Turns out, there was a hawk on both sides of our property trying to double team my chickens. It scared my little chickens so bad. I hurried and closed the door and started counting. I was missing the youngest one, Harley. He is usually right by my side. I called out about four hundred times. { not really, but seemed like it}. I thought for sure the darn hawks got him. Suddenly, he came running from his hiding spot right into my arms. He was hiding under the lowest part of the ramp that I had attached to my deck. I can't let my chickens out until these hawks go somewhere else. I think there are 4. They wait until the best moment. I let my chickens out every evening around 6 now that it's getting dark sooner. The hawks almost timed it right. The are sooo getting rocks and sticks and maybe even a trap set for their little dirty trick they tried to pull off. Don't get me wrong, hawks are pretty and they keep the mice, squirrel and rabbit population down, but it would be better and safer for them if they did not show up around our area again.
Only hawks in your area that might work cooperatively are Red-tailed Hawks. I have seen them do so after Fox Squirrels. If Coopers Hawks, then the hawks are just as likely to be rolling around on ground fighting over what they caught. I have seen that nonsense before.

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