Double Yokes?

the chicken in your pic is so cool, what kind is that?
thanks for the info on the yokes.
i thought your name was funny too. i always tell my hubs that chickens have such prehistoric looking legs. like little t rexes when they run. But God made everything according to it's kind, so I guess that are just similar.

She is a bantum bearded Silkie. They are not good layers but they are extremely friendly and make great pets. I love them. Super silly birds.

A lot of scientist believe that birds originate from a group of theropod dinosaurs. I think it's true whenever I watch my Delaware hen swallow mice whole like a python. Plus, this is totally a velociraptor. lol. Chickens are awesome.

Our Delaware is also laying double yoke eggs. She has only laid double yokes so far and only lays them like once every 10 days. We are a little concerned and wondering if she's okay. Our other two are laying somewhat regularly. We even had a quail use our coop to lay a little egg in there as well.
I have a Red Star, she's been laying for a month. She has laid 7 double yokes in the past month. They are getting bigger each time. Today's was 76g. You can see a ridge in the shell as if two eggs are forming together. They are exciting to find but hope my hen doesn't have a short life because of it.

Double yolks are common in new and young layers. The egg laying machinery has not yet worked out all of the kinks, and that's what happens. Every Easter Egger hen I've ever had goes through a few months of this until the system gets in sync. I have a few leghorns who did the same thing. I haven't gotten a double yolker in several months now because the birds that are laying are all a year or more old at this point. I have three EE pullets that are getting close to the point of lay and three chicks that I can't tell what sex they are yet, so we'll have to see. They will be polish/leghorn crosses, so the eggs should be interesting! I would not worry too much about it unless the hen(s) are doing it for several months. Mine also laid shelless eggs and soft shelled eggs if they laid more than one a day in their early days of laying.

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