DOUBLE yolker - yolk Hatched! Video p. 16 ** 13 Week PICS ** p. 51

Rebecca - Beautiful on so many levels. The fluffbabies, your handling of the entire worrisome situation (I too held my breath, like many others!), your great video work somehow done in the midst of all this!, and your classy manner throughout this thread. Wishing you and the beautiful little feathered souls wonderful times ahead. The pics are wonderful. I am really sorry about the other little twin that didn't make it

Rebecca, I think you should post the other video of the second hatch, even though the second chick did not make it, it is science and life and educational. People need to see that sometimes life does not always give you 100%, but you gave 200% and that first video was awesome!!!!! Well done, well narrated, Marty Stauffer from Wild America would be proud of you! I know I am! Please post the second video when you have a chance. Our Ag class is going to do another unit on incubation in mid February and these videos would be cool for them to watch!

I told one of the mods that this video should be a sticky for all people who want to learn about incubation and helping when necessary and what to do! You looked like a seasoned pro, a vet working in the ER! You say you were nervous! WOW, you did NOT show it.

By the way, Just a funny, I noticed something in the background of the video. At first I thought it was a kid waving wildly in the background but I think it was your doggy, do you have a doggy that was a bit excited at the door? It just caught my eye and I thought......Hmmmmm Grammy must be coming over!
Congratulations, Rebecca! Excellent! I think your success was first because there were two normal babies in the egg, that nutrition was enough for both. Then because one pipped on the small end, you knew one was there, and knew where the other probably was. That was very fortunate and I commend you for the way you assisted them. One thing...Rebecca, you need some tweezers if you ever do this again, girl, LOL! Way to go.
YAY!!!!! That was awesome!!! Congrats to you rebecca for sharing that wonderful miracle with all of us. I look forward to seeing their progress and those adorable pics!!!!

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