DOUBLE yolker - yolk Hatched! Video p. 16 ** 13 Week PICS ** p. 51

Awesome video and congrats on the babies!! I hope they live a very long time! I was amazed at the video and even though you said you were nervous, it didn't show. I think you handled the knife like a pro!!
Very cool! Thanks for that! My 3yr old came over to watch it with me and was cheering them on to hatch!

She also declared that we need more chicks.
I submitted that to the Jackson Sun this morning and was waiting for it to be found out before I did!

About the babies, one of them does appear to have a rose comb like her daddy.

About the tweezers (instead of a knife) ...I have a blunt set that I use all the time for hatching and I couldn't find them anywhere!!! I still have not found them. Guess I better get me some new ones!

And the other double yolker was laid by the same hen, so they all have the same mom and dad! As was said by someone else's kinda like triplets!

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What an incredible video and a great experience for you - I was just amazed to watch it. I never realized that both yolks would be fertilized - I thought it would be just one.

Now I'm curious about the genetics of the birds. I suppose that in this kind of situation they would always be like fraternal twins in a human, because it's 2 yolks. Identical twins in a human come from the same "egg" that splits, I believe, whereas fraternal twins are 2 separate fertilized eggs. So I think they are always going to be fraternal twins (genetically) and not identical twins.

Just had to sort that out in my mind!
needmorechickens! :

I submitted that to the Jackson Sun this morning and was waiting for it to be found out before I did!

About the babies, one of them does appear to have a rose comb like her daddy.

About the tweezers (instead of a knife) ...I have a blunt set that I use all the time for hatching and I couldn't find them anywhere!!! I still have not found them. Guess I better get me some new ones!

And the other double yolker was laid by the same hen, so they all have the same mom and dad! As was said by someone else's kinda like triplets!


Congrats and you did such a great job .....​

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