DOUBLE yolker - yolk Hatched! Video p. 16 ** 13 Week PICS ** p. 51

Ok, here's your daily twin fix!

Twins and "Triplet"...
(twins are in the back)


Triplet has a little weakness in her foot...


And a short movie...sorry about the quality....

I will work on a better video of the second hatch and some video of them playing together this weekend.
Thanks y'all,

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I love them! Have you seen Miss Prissy's thread about helping a chick with weak toes? It may help! Also, could you remind what breed the babies are? Thanks!
I only have one roo and that is Perkins, he is a BLRW...the mom must be my RIR, Jetty Lou. The only other hens I have that are laying are a white rock and 2 barred rocks.
they are sooo cute!!! me, GopherBoy, and our son Coltin all watched the video together!!! we loved it!!!
So glad to see pics of them ALL.

you did a great job!!!!!

You can make a little band aid shoe for that foot. I just took one off a chick's foot whose toes were curling under - it stayed on three days and the chick has perfect feet now.

Cut the sticky end off each side of the band aid. Lay one piece out flat and place the chick's foot on it getting the toes in proper alignment. Take the other piece and put over the top of toes and stick it down on sides and in between toes. You can then carefully cut away any extra - but hey, don't use that Crocodile Dundee knife - use some small scissors.

Congrats again. Truly amazing.

Edited to add: I usually leave the back toe out of the "shoe" so that the chick can balance - just tape the front toes.
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I finally got to watch the video!! Dh's computer is not on dial-up!! My sister was here and she watched it with me, we both had a tear in our eyes.
Wonderful job you did!!
When I went to work today I was telling everyone about the double yolk hatching, and how rare it is!!
Rebecca, Thank you SO much for filming and posting your video! As much as I've read about the HOW to do it... seeing it makes All the difference. You did an amazing job! And I for one would like to see the 2nd video even though one of the chicks was deformed and expired, there was a live chick that is thriving! it would be educational and in reality things aren't always perfect.

I know different folks have different opinions on helping out, but I'm glad to have the option and now with your video, perhaps more confidence if I might need it and even the comments on what tools should be used has been helpful. It's all good when we're learning!

After reading your personal page and seeing you are as new to chickens as I am, it's testament to this message board to what we can all learn from each other and the video you took and shared just really was inspiring! Kudos Rebecca!!!!

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