DOUBLE yolker - yolk Hatched! Video p. 16 ** 13 Week PICS ** p. 51

I held my breath the whole time!! Well, not really but it felt like it! LOL


Thank you so much for showing us! And a great big job well done!!!!

I am so proud for you.I have a duck that has double yokers all the time.But she was not fertile at the time.But I have some Cayguas and Rouens that are fixing to hatch any min. now.
That video is wonderful,congrats on that hatch.Did you say you had another one that was double yolk? Just wondering? Good luck with the twins,,,,,,,Sandra
The chicks are great this morning, the twins are very feisty! They attack my hand! The triplet still looks scraggly, I may try to clean it up a little this evening.

Don't have time for pics this morning, but I am working on the video of the second double yolker that "Triplet" came from.

I am in the middle of a major coop addition to get all the big chicks out of my house by Thanksgiving, so any daylight is spent on that.

Rebecca, by scraggly do you mean all juicy and sticky from the membranes. I have a trick for that if that is the case. You have to be real careful. I had one that was covered head to toe with sticky membranes. He could not see or hear or flap wings etc.

I get a tupperware bowl or some sort of bowl that is deep enough for you to put your whole hand in. Then I fill it up with warm water not hot just warm enough to "melt" off the sticky and be comfortable for the chick. I take the chick and put it in the palm of my hand with his head between my first and second finger looking outwards. Don't squeeze him hard enough to choke him, just gently keep his head still so he does not accidentally drown. His feet are in my palm. I set him down in the warm water up to his neck you can let him stand on the bottom if you like to give him some better footing. (DONT GET HIS HEAD IN THE WATER!!!!) I sort of splash gently the warm water on him....they like being in the water this way by the way. They immediately stop chirping so loud because it is cozy warm and they are happy when warm. Anyway after a few seconds I start trying to peel the sticky off of them and it usually comes right off. Sometimes you have to roll water around with your fingers on them to get it to finally come off. If they have it stuck to their heads I use my other hand to get my finger wet and just rub, like petting them, and it loosens up enough to pick it off.

After this, I take a nice hand towel and dry them off good and put them back in the incubator to dry and fluff up just like they were just hatched. This usually works great.
Yep, that's what it is, just membrane and stuff. I will definitely use your suggestion. Didn't know if I should submerge the body in water or not, but didn't want to stress the chick out by rubbing it so much. If I can soak it a bit then start rubbing, that sounds better!

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