DOUBLE yolker - yolk Hatched! Video p. 16 ** 13 Week PICS ** p. 51

needmorechickens! :

Yep, that's what it is, just membrane and stuff. I will definitely use your suggestion. Didn't know if I should submerge the body in water or not, but didn't want to stress the chick out by rubbing it so much. If I can soak it a bit then start rubbing, that sounds better!

I was worried about that too so I just figured, if he keeps on this way he is a gonner so I might as well give it the old college try and cannot be hurt one way or the other.​
Just awesome! I dont think twin chicks will live that long past hatching and usually they failed to thrive within 24 hours. It looks like yours will be all green light all the way until laying age!

I love the UTube.......wouldn't that be a first?????????

I just caught this thread today but I have to say that I was more nervous watching the video than I was the first time I helped deliver a baby in nursing school.

You were level headed and did a wonderful job. I am so excited for you! Please keep us posted!
needmorechickens! :

I don't mind at all...that's great!


Wonderful! Thank you!! I just published my post.

I used code provided from YouTube to "imbed" the video so you still get counts for each time it's viewed, provided links to your YouTube site, and links to your profile here on BYC.

My readers will surely leave wonderful comments ... you can check out my post here:

My parents are on dialup and won't be able to view the video ... I captured a "still" image from your video and posted that as well.

I think this is just AMAZING!! I'm so thrilled you could share it, AND video it as well!! SUPER JOB!!​
Congrats on the triplets. I just found this post tonight. The video was awesome. I almost:th when I heard the twins survived. Great job. You go triplets.
My second video will be ready in about an hour. I have started uploading it now, but its slow
It is called Twin Chickens - Chapter 2...but Triplet's hatch is on there too...
All three are still doing great....I put a boot on Triplet for his misshaped toes and it seems to help. I will have to cover that in the next video!
I love my new babies!


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