DOUBLE yolker - yolk Hatched! Video p. 16 ** 13 Week PICS ** p. 51

This sure is a very popular question. Maybe this will be encouragment for those wanting to hatch 2-yokers!
good job
Thanks for letting us see how they are growing! I am still so amazed at their story! It is so neat that they survived. I would of never guessed a double yolker could hatch!
It seemed like only last week I sat here for hours downloading your video. LOL I have dial up so I took forever (hours) but it was worth it. Thanks so much for sharing.
How fun!

What great chickens!! Can't wait to see if Greta or Reba lays double yolkers!

And if they do will you hatch them?!!!!
I was just talking about this last night, so I had to do a search. wow, they are growing nicely. Thanks for the pics. And wow, a boy and a girl in one egg? This is so awesome!

I'm very sad--the clip or video that was on this post tells me it has been deleted or moved-can someone helpme find it-my hen lays double yolkers all the time and I'm dying to try ad hatch one out? HELPPPP:bow:he:yiipchick
Wow! They are growing up really nicely. I like the feathering on them all.

Thanks for updating us on how they are doing.

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