Drake & duck temperaments?


8 Years
Jun 22, 2011
Well after hearing about all of the wonderful qualities of ducks I have been considering some WH's. Currently I have chickens and geese, love the geese. I have had to do some attitude adjusting with the geese but nothing too bad.

Lately my marans roo, who was sweet for the first couple years, has lost his brain and if he doesn't improve his attitude he will soon meet the crock pot. I went through this with a cochin roo last year. I'm getting a bit tired of it.

So my question is do drakes ever lose their brains? I don't mind them protecting their broody lady and can tolerate an occasional nip but not some jack wagon wanting to sink 2 inch long spurs into my leg.

I would also like to be able to reach under a broody hen without needing oven mitts but that is not a requirement.

If ya'll can tell me that ducks are going to be as well behaved and easy to handle as I think they are I think I will get some WH's this fall.

Thank you,
Please don't eat anything.

I have two drakes and five ducks. The drakes don't care about the eggs but depending on the drake they may bite. My black Swedish has never bitten me but my runner drake has. And they have both been around broody girls.
I have had many ducks..i've seen the ducks go after each other to protect their mate during spring mating season..I have NEVER had one come after me though..or even bite me..they eat out of my hand...drakes and hens alike. I have one drake that we call lucifer but it's because of his attitude toward new ducks..and not toward people. If you're going to compare ducks to geese i'd say you'd be fine with the ducks..i've not owned geese but some friends of mine had some..which is why i don't own them...lol they have quite the attitude ..most of the time ducks won't do that.
Thanks guys. I think I will be adding some WH's in the not so distant future.

I don't mind a little bit of occasional attitude and breeding aggression especially among themselves can be dealt with. I just refuse to deal with getting attacked three times in less than 24 hrs just for walking in the front gate, that is not acceptable. He just won't attack me while my gander is by my side.

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