Drake with Bumblefoot

I have not decided yet, probably pine shavings. I have to dig most of the sand out first, otherwise the shavings will pour out the sides of their enclosure. I have not brought one of the girls home for him. I have made a pen outside, so when I get home in the afternoon he goes outside for a few hours each day. He is back to his normal ornery self. You'd think as much as I have handled him he would be more calm, but NOOOO he acts like I am trying to kill him every time I pick him up.
I know exactly what your saying my imprinted drake doesn't like for me to pick him up I think he thinks it makes him look weak to be carried around by a woman. lol

That is a good sign that he is back to his normal ornery self. I bet he is going to be so happy to see his girls and the girls have had a nice vacation.
Hi Jenniemig, how did it go? Did Qwackers ever heal up completely?

My ducks have all turned 1 year old this March/April and I'm also having issues with the ground becoming compacted and messing up their feet. The ground is just dirt, not sand like yours, but it used to be luscious grass... now it resembles concrete. I've been brainstorming and brainstorming to try and crack this egg... I keep watering as often and possible... I've been hanging shade cloth etc... thought about rototilling the whole yard whenever it gets compacted... thought about planting seed all the time... thought about mixing in a huge amount of leaves in the fall... thought about getting a chicken in there (haha that would not go over so well with the ducks)... blah blah blah. It's so frustrating.

Also, thanks for sharing the name of that cream. I've read other forums that talk about tricide-neo, neosporin, clear iodine, etc. But nothing about this cream until now. Those others all seem to work, but glad you could add to the list.

Well, hopefully your guy is all healed up and back to normal!
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my Pekin has a bad bumble foot that I have been trying to treat for >1month. No luck. I am debating about $71.00 vet visit. What antibiotics and dosing did your vet prescribe? I am glad your baby is getting better.
Does anyone know where I can get Silvadene cream and antibiotics without the expensive vet visit?

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