Dressage saddle, CC saddle, other tack


10 Years
May 19, 2009
Just sold the horse, so I don't need saddles anymore! The dressade saddle is 17", unmarked, and used twice. I really liked it, but it was too wide for the horse, a TB with high withers. It should fit most QH or warmblood types. It comes with a 22" Ovation girth and a shaped pad. The close contact saddle is also unmarked, but it does have legible writing stamped on the inside, "Spring Steel" and "Made in England". It is similar in ride to my old Crosby Prix de Saute (amazing!). It is 16.5", and it has no knee rolls. I prefer them that way, because it puts your leg right next to the horse with a much better feel. It comes with a 56" HDR girth and possibly a shaped pad. The pad is pretty old, and I'm not going to put it in my washer. I might take a scrub brush to it outside with the hose, if you really want it, but it would make better nesting material for a litter of cats. I also have one set of stirrups and leathers, both purchased new this summer. The leathers are black, because I bought them for the dressage saddle before I had the cc. The cc saddle is dark enough that it doesn't make much of a difference. They are available for $25. I also have a new Wintec breastcollar. It is dark brown, and I love the fact that it isn't leather and doesn't need coddling. I can throw that in a box for $30, and I'll include a standing attatchment that I've had lying around for years. I can box them up and take them to the P.O. to get a shipping quote, and I know that it's much less than the average $40 quoted on most saddles on Ebay. I can get more photos and take more measurements; just ask!
I think I know what that black dressage saddle is, I've owned two of them. I believe it is called the Regent Saddles and it is usually sold at Libertyville Saddle Store. Not a bad saddle and has a deep twist in the seat. I loved it for my Paso Finos in trail ridings.
That CC saddle looks like a Crump Prix de Saute to me, and the markings are consistent with that. Check the underflap, there is usually a stamping on those. It may be pretty faded by now as the original Crumps have not been made in years.
My last saddle was only stamped Prix de Saute on the billet guards, and the guards are missing on this saddle. Each flap is stamped with a "NS" or a "SN", but I think they might be initials of a previous owner. Much smaller are stamped initials "DMR", but again, I think someone was personalizing it. Regardless, it's a really nice ride!
Did Crosby make one as well? It's hard to find out about them these days as they are "collector's items". I even kept my last one four years after I sold that horse because I never thought I'd find another that nice.

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