Drug test for welfare recipients

Private company drug testing people an the government doing it is not the same.....

Do you really want to give the government the power to drug test "the people" at will?

If they need the governments help then yes IMO they should submit to a test.
heck i have to give my finger print just to get a drives license renewed and i ain't never even seen the inside of a jail , but i don't have a problem with it it is what it is and i either do it or no license.
The government wouldn't force anyone to take a drug test. If you don't want to take one that's fine, just don't expect a check on the first.
I would be against the drug testing if whatever bill they tried to pass gave them the power to randomly drug test private companies as well, but as long as it is only welfare recipients then I am fine with it. I am all for what ever you do to your body is none of my business but if you take my fellow American tax dollars then you should at least be clean.
Are you ready for your weekly test? If they are given the right to test them the that also gives them the right to force everyone to be tested...

How so? If i am not seeking assistance i have no need to be tested and if i am then i will pass their test, no different than passing one for my job IMO.
I have a family member with children and on drugs and recieving assistance so i know what goes on with some folks on assistance.
Giving welfare folks the choice of no check for no pee is not forcing them to sign up for bennies that is still optional. You get the stink with the poop folks.

Are you ready for your weekly test? If they are given the right to test them the that also gives them the right to force everyone to be tested...
Giving welfare folks the choice of no check for no pee is not forcing them to sign up for bennies that is still optional. You get the stink with the poop folks.

I dont have to own a home... Can they test me to get to do that..

Same with owning a gun or having a kid or walking down 4th street at noon. Being optional does not change government power.
I don't have a big problem with state check recipients having to submit to urinalysis but IMO people who have a job (i.e. expendable income) are much more likely to use drugs. The majority of welfare recipients can't afford it.
To that end I would like to see ALL people getting a check from the government(taxpayers) submit to urinalysis. That includes the governors and legislators. I would bet my bottom dollar there would be a higher percentage of positives in that group than in the welfare group.

I also find it startling that so many assume someone on welfare is also likely to be on drugs.
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