Drug test for welfare recipients

Child support... forgot about that one, they should enforce child support laws. My sister never got a dime of CS until her ex got on SSI for contracting AIDS in prison. She got about half his monthly check.
I think it would be a good idea I Have kmown and do know people who sell the food stamps INSTEAD of using them for what they are for. My husband daughter sold her food stamps I know this for a fact because she never helped us out and never brought food into the house my husband foot the bill. She was always broke even if she was worker she got a check for the one kids for the father being dead and I also think people who get checks for someone else should have a drug test to see it is spent right I have no problem either if they want to see where the money goes you have to have proof of where it goes I handled my sons Social Security checks and I saved all reciepts that was spent on him and if they wanted to drug test me it would be fine I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE. I do have a questions as to anyone against this why and how it is againjst your constitutional right I have not clue on that. Can some one explainthat to me. oh and not all state have welfare I found this out in reno NV

[[[[.....If they are given the right to test them the that also gives them the right to force everyone to be tested.......]]]]

Whoa! You mean if the welfare recipient refuses testing, he won't get his check, and if I refuse to get tested, the government will refuse to accept my check for the taxes I normally pay? Oh man, I hate it when that happens.

It is not true that employed people have more disposable income to spend on drugs.

Druggies who get a welfare check steal, deal drugs, and lie about their income to qualify for that welfare check. Working people have to spend their money on food, rent, and medical insurance. People on welfare get those thing paid for them.

If you really want to save money on the welfare bill, place an immigration officer in every welfare office and also go after the deadbeat dads who refuse to pay their child support (or the deadbeat moms; let's not discriminate)

The government already has the power to test government employees, and they already do so. So giving them the power to test welfare recipients isn't giving them any new power.

I don't mind welfare for people who really need it. I'd just like to see the cheats removed from the welfare rolls.
Let's throw a wrench out there and see what kind of responses I will get.....

Okay, everyone got tested. Only a very small number were being denied of the priviledges. Now where can they trim the fat???

Put a limit on what they can spend on like an item sheet like WIC carries, only for that item, for that size, for certain price.

No lobsters or fancy and expensive cuts of meats. No liquor, no ciggies.

Give everyone the Link card with photographs on them, with the holograph (similar to our driver's license)....could they cheat on those cards? A real good possibility!

Want more? Go serve a community or government office to "work" those funds or more "tickets" for more items you need to feed your family.
I also think that if you recieve welfare you should HAVE to work for it OR be enrolled in a college program..(with a decent GPA)
Instead of paying state workers BIG bucks to man the turnpike toll booths or pick up trash on the highways... or shovel snow at state buildings (court houses,..etc..) in the winter time...heck, even work the DMV counter.. :lol:,
LOTS of options for the states to save money on employees.....
There ARE many jobs they could have the welfare recipients do until they can find a job and get back on their feet.
Otherwise you just have people sitting home everyday, doing nothing and getting paid to do that.... its just NOT right... NO motivation!
Put them to work until they can find other employment. It will save the states a LOT of money and motivate the welfare recipients to get a job OR get a decent career through college.
And yes, hair drug testing should be MANDATORY for recipients!!!,... I cant state that enough..

OOh and if anyone says they wont have anyone to watch their kids while they work for the "state",... they already have programs here where your childcare is FREE if you are on welfare and trying to work OR are going to school... FREE, no cost to you...
actually, the entire system needs over-hauled. Yes, there are people who abuse the system. There are those who come from a long line of lifetime welfare recipients. Benefit limits have helped a LOT with that.

However, there still is work to be done. the vast majority on welfare want to get off. However, the system is actually designed to discourage that. Case workers will advise people to quit their job because minimum wage/part time isn't enough to live on, but is too much for welfare. You are receiving aid and trying to get back on your feet? Well it had better be straight into a full-time job! Otherwise you will have to quit if you want to be able to feed your kids.

Many states have welafre to work programs. They require recipients to work at certain jobs a set number of hours to receive their benefits. It's mostly along the lines of volunteer work - cleaning highways, parks, etc. If you give the toll booth jobs, the DMV, government jobs to those on welfare then what are you going to do with all the people currently working those jobs?
I think that all welfare recipients should have to submit a drug test every 3 months and I also think that they should be randomly drug tested at any time. I agree, why should my tax dollars go to fund their habit that is ILLEGAL?

I always thought it was funny when I worked at Wal-Mart that someone would come through and pay for food with the Food Stamp card, and then turn around and buy other things with their platinum MasterCard. Maybe if the government would wise up and realize that there are welfare recipients ripping them off maybe we could get out of debt a little.

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