Drug test for welfare recipients

<--- X walmart associate.

They at one time payed company's to hire the disabled. Walmart was known for hiring them an only working them part time. They get payed by the government an work them just enough to be above the limit. After expenses the disabled person was practically starving. Walmart was getting free labor an the government claimed one less person on disability even though there output for that person was the same.

If you're disabled and collecting money because you cant work then how do you work ?
Why do we need welfare? We got along just fine when it didn't exist, I believe it worked something like this....good people who were down on there luck would get help and support from other people, family, and friends who knew you were a person of good morals, only the lazy, cheaters, liars and losers seemed to not get much help. Sounds to me like the old ways reformed more people into upstanding citizens than welfare ever could.

Oh, the good ole days. I wish we could go back to this way of life.
If I could have about 50 acres, live off the grid.....
Why do we need welfare? We got along just fine when it didn't exist, I believe it worked something like this....good people who were down on there luck would get help and support from other people, family, and friends who knew you were a person of good morals, only the lazy, cheaters, liars and losers seemed to not get much help. Sounds to me like the old ways reformed more people into upstanding citizens than welfare ever could.

Your sentiments come right out of the Little Red Book of Chairman Mao and the teachings of Karl Marx. It is the hope for a utopian society that never worked backed then and surely will not work today.
Well lets use a good old American math book, when the folks that do not work out number the ones that do work we have a problem Houston. I have found that eliminating the temptation does work.

Your sentiments come right out of the Little Red Book of Chairman Mao and the teachings of Karl Marx. It is the hope for a utopian society that never worked backed then and surely will not work today.
Well lets use a good old American math book, when the folks that do not work out number the ones that do work we have a problem Houston. I have found that eliminating the temptation does work.
When I first read the above comment I thought that it was really one of your more humorous ones until I looked back and found these:

__ People on welfare have given up their right to object to unreasonable searches.
--- Forced work camps (digging holes and then filing them up again) are the solution to welfare.
--- If we implemented drug testing it would save money because people would not apply because they would fear being denied.
--- Slaves worked for what little they got..(that one is really precious)
--- No work--no eat ( as I said before, Mao and Marx)
--- Welfare receipients should not have a problem with drug testing because a negative test would exonerate them.(from what?)
--- Your advise to women: 1. If you are a single mom you should have stayed married because divorce is given out like candy.
2. Young eligible men do not want you because you are used goods.
3. Old eligible men are already taken.
--- You are the government. (It really is a govt of the people and by the people...slightly different)
--- The lazy people are lying in wait to take advantage of the rights of working people.
--- Other peoples decisions to have children is an infringement on your right of pursuit of happiness (I really loved that one)
--- We should eliminate welfare.

I mean this very sincerely,,,I really do appreciate your opinions.
I appreciate yours as well

If you make welfare unattractive it is an incentive to get off it.

We have been desensitized to the ideas that the truly poor and needy deserve as much welfare as the ones that are using the system.

Now naturally, and I hope you can distinguish the difference between what I recommend to do for the abusers is not what I recommend for the legitimate but seeing as the system cannot seem to separate the two masses... I sure could.

Everything that I listed above that you patronized are in one way or another something that the working class have to do already. Most of your comments on my ideas are your "feeling" on the matter and do not offer any solutions or at least that is my interpretation of your answers. You have no clue what living under a Marxist is about nor do I.

Take the list of my ideas and do it over but this time prove me wrong with alternatives not one liners.

And no work no eat is a principle older than dirt that all working class people already adhere to... except maybe the Union fat cats... what do they call it ? uh... oh yeah a slush fund..

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"The poor. . . will always be among you."

There is a real need for assistance to tide people over tough times. It is not the Constitutional duty of the Federal Government. however, to establish and run the entitlement system we call welfare. That responsibility falls to the individual States. The closer to home the management of an assistance program is, the less fraud and abuse you will find. Local charities quickly weed out those who are looking for a free ride. Have a state run assistance program for the needy that is managed at the county level and you will have a lot fewer abusers and more money to help the truly needy.

Around here, cable TV, high speed internet, and cell phones seem to be considered 'necessities' that are provided free of charge to anyone who meets low-income guidelines and gets financial assistance services of any kind. Necessities? I don't have cable, but I'm paying for others - needy or abusing the system - to have it. I don't have a cell phone, but I'm paying for others - needy or abusing the system - to have one (or more) free government-issued cell phones. I just managed to get a slow "high speed" internet service after 14 years of dial-up. I made a choice to give up something else for the faster service, yet I am paying for others - needy or abusing the system - to have it.

Entitlements are the primary cause of the financial collapse of Greece . . . soon to be followed by Spain, Italy, France, and other European countries. Entitlements are the basic reason states such as California and Illinois are in such dire straits financially. Something will have to be done to better manage and control entitlements or the USA will go the way of Greece. How will the financial ruin of our monetary system help the poor? Sounds like a no-win/no-win disaster to me.
"The poor. . . will always be among you."

There is a real need for assistance to tide people over tough times. It is not the Constitutional duty of the Federal Government. however, to establish and run the entitlement system we call welfare. That responsibility falls to the individual States. The closer to home the management of an assistance program is, the less fraud and abuse you will find. Local charities quickly weed out those who are looking for a free ride. Have a state run assistance program for the needy that is managed at the county level and you will have a lot fewer abusers and more money to help the truly needy.

Around here, cable TV, high speed internet, and cell phones seem to be considered 'necessities' that are provided free of charge to anyone who meets low-income guidelines and gets financial assistance services of any kind. Necessities? I don't have cable, but I'm paying for others - needy or abusing the system - to have it. I don't have a cell phone, but I'm paying for others - needy or abusing the system - to have one (or more) free government-issued cell phones. I just managed to get a slow "high speed" internet service after 14 years of dial-up. I made a choice to give up something else for the faster service, yet I am paying for others - needy or abusing the system - to have it.

Entitlements are the primary cause of the financial collapse of Greece . . . soon to be followed by Spain, Italy, France, and other European countries. Entitlements are the basic reason states such as California and Illinois are in such dire straits financially. Something will have to be done to better manage and control entitlements or the USA will go the way of Greece. How will the financial ruin of our monetary system help the poor? Sounds like a no-win/no-win disaster to me.
Every thing you have said here, you said VERY well.

And it is all so true.

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